Monday began as any other day except I don't remember anything that happened from 12:45 until I came back to almost normal in the emergency room around 7:30 pm. I've been on statins for many years now, the past year or more I've been on 10/20 Vytorin. I drove out of our driveway at 12:45 Monday, attended a meeting which I'm told I took part in than when the meeting was over I didn't know where the hours had gone and was acting funny, when asked if I was alright I said I felt woozy. My husband was called and took me to emergency where I could not answer questions asked of me, I was giving tests which so far have appeared normal, I was completely unaware of what was taking place but my husband said I was completely relaxed and kept asking the same questions over and over again. Finally when I started coming back to normal or almost normal, I didn't feel surprised at the fact that I was in the hospital it was only later when I was released that I realized what had taken place and I had lost about 8 hours or more of my life.
So scary, the next day I was headachy with nausea, it feels a little better today but I keep waiting for it to happen again.
When I went to my doctor next day, I told him I thought it was the statins and he poo poohed me and said he thought I should continue to take them, I told him that I was going to stop them and he said I was taking the chance of having a stroke but it was up to me. I am scheduled for more tests next week, carotid artery, MRI, and echocardiogram, in the meantime I continure to be confused over whether to stop the statins or not, 10/20 doesn't seem like a high dose to me but I was wondering if I could half that and would appreciate any info that anyone might have.