by lars999 » Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:23 am
Hello Wonga,
Many of us, me included, have had pains in one or more sets of ligaments. Typically, these were ligaments in joints. I kinda recall having a very sensitive scalp shortly after quitting Lipitor, as well as very sensitive soles of feet in the latter months on Lipitor and for some weeks after. Only the sensitive soles of feet really got my attention because walking was getting rather painful.
I even have one ruptured tendon and a few stretched tendons/ligaments that I suspect Lipitor is at least partly to blame for.
Muscle cramps are common. For some of us they became quite debilitating. For me lower back muscles became VERY subject to massive, immoblizing cramps. Various arm, hand and calf muscles also became very cramp-prone, which has greatly diminished 6-months after quitting Lipitor.
Many (most?, nearly all?) of us have identified many/all of our personal adverse side effects from statins by same process as you are using. Get problem, stop statin drug, problem goes away. Those demanding more definite proof can go back to taking statin pill and see if problem returns, then stop the pill again and see if problem goes away again. Most of us are not so demanding of proof or so addicted to our statin adverse effects.
Don't be surprised if your list of statin adverse effects continues to grow for week to months or more.