by Ray Holder » Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:03 am
Hi Irene
Have you tried carnitine for your muscle pain? Carnitine is reduced by the deficiency of CoQ10 due to statin use. The two major roles of carnitine are to carry fats as fuel inrto the mitochondria of the muscle, and then to carry the "combustion" products away, the result of the inability to lose these products is a painful accumulation known as lactic acidosis. Many panellists have found relief from it.
I have just discovered more about carnitine dosage, but it always needs a bit of trial and error. Try a 500 mg capsule the very first thing on rising am, and another mid to late afternoon, if possible, 2 hours after food, and 1/2 hour before another meal. If this is insufficient, increase each dose by 1 capsule at a time after 3/4 days, but beware that too large a dose, or too rapid an increase will loosen your bowels, if so, go back by one capsule a time.
The maximum concentration in the body is obtained from a 2 gram dose, anything above that just goes to waste, and the half life of the dose is 6.5 hours, so a sufficient interval is needed between doses. However, taken too late in the day, carnitine may keep your brain too active at night, and keep you awake, so you have to find what suits you best.
I have a different version of the problem, due to previous polio, I lose strength in my back when carnitine levels get too low. I have been taking large amounts of carnitine, 5 grams first thing, 2 grams before lunch, and 1gram mid afternoon, and have still been weak and bent in the morning. Since reading the information, I have cut my am dose to 2 grams, I still take some before lunch, about 1 gram, but I have the 2gram max dose again late afternoon. In the past 3 days of this regime, I have very much more back strength in the morning, and I sleep quite well. I will try missing oit the lunchtime dose shortly to see if that is still needed, but I take such actions cautiously, to see if my other problems remain stable.