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L-Carnitine bad for diabetics?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:35 pm
by BSGfan
I am interesting in trying L-Carnitine to see if it helps with some statin induced muscle and nerve pain I have. There is a L-Carnitine and Co-enzyme Q-10 blend available from GNC a few blocks from my home.

Isn't Carnitine contra indicated for people with diabetes and liver trouble? I was recently diagnosed with fatty liver syndrome and pre-diabetes.
Should I avoid Carnitine?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:25 pm
by Ray Holder
I have not heard of any problem with Carnitine for diabetics, and cannot think what might occur to cause harm. I believe that Taurine is useful for a fatty liver, you should look it up via Google
The use of Q10, while not harmful, should undertaken by diabetics with care, as it may well improve their sugar levels, and adjustment of medication may then be needed. In your case, it could ward off the diabetes. It is only making your natural insulin production more effective
