I was put on Zocor (40 mg) by my Danish doctor last April (2009)due to high LDL . As I had to be in China, I only took the Zocor on April 3. I noticed shortness of breathing and muscular pain. I stopped the Zocor on April 9. I took the zocor for 6 days . I researched on the Internet and found materials regarding the side effects of Zocor. I phoned my doctor who told me he has never heard of such side effects.I found CoQ10 in China in tablet forms on the 13th of April. On the 15th, I woke up with blurred vision. Fortunately, I was on my way to Kuala Lumpur and found CoQ10 and L- carnitine. I took 300 mg of CQ10, folic acid, vitamin B, A , C (with bioflavonids) ,L Carnitine (400 mg) and cod liver oil , but my condition did not improve. I had difficulty swallowing, severe abdominal -muscle pain, tingling sensation on my toes and thumbs and difficulties breathing. On the 22nd , the GERD was so severe that I had to rush to the hospital to determine whether I was having heart attack or GERD. The results of the tests (heart, kidney and liver) were normal and I was put on Histac Ranbaxy to relieve the GERD.I told the doctor about Zocor and he told me that "Zocor for Malaysians is like chocolates."Because of the high cholesterol diet, many of the people are taking statin drugs. I left Kuala Lumpur on the 1st of May.
From the 29th of April , I stopped taking CoQ10 for a week and my GERD started improving as well as my breathing but my thumb was still stiff in the morning.I wanted to restart with CoQH, which I ordered from the US.I ordered CoQH NSI from the US and I started taking 300 mg (which I chew) on the 11th of May. I added folic acid, Vitamin B , Vitamin E , C and used lactobacillus rhamnosus to normalise my stomach. I didn't use fish oil as I read several findings that it could interfere with CoQH , . I also added last week L-Carnitine (500 mg). I take bicabornate soda to relieve the heartburn, use incline bed, sip water, take celery and carrot juice and avoid food which will trigger heartburn. I no longer feel tired and thus no longer have a need to sleep in the afternoon. I increased the dosage of CoQH to 400 mg.
However, the GERD continues. I have noticed that as soon as the heartburn (acidity) starts, I start getting abdominal and back pain . I could not breathe properly (my nose is blocked even though I have no cold), although when I wake up in the morning, my breathing is normal. I cannot sit down in a chair and I have to type standing up because my abdominal pain becomes severe when I am sitted down. I start having respiratory problems as soon as I eat and the heartburn starts. I have stopped the L-Carnitine 3 days ago (I read that it can actually increase heartburn) and reduced the CoQH to 200 mg 2 days ago.My breathing improved. I still have stiffness on my legs when I wake up and bent (stiff) thumb but as soon I stand up, they become normal. The stiffness is getting better and have no muscle pain anymore. My main problem is the difficulty of swallowing, which started yesterday after the severe GERD attack last night .
Could someone please tell me if they have encountered a similar situation and how they responded?
How long will it take before the GERD dissappears?
Is it possible that the GERD is triggered by the body's reaction to CoQH? How long does it take before the breathing problems resolved?
Has anyone experienced increase abdominal/back pain when sitting down?
I would very much appreciate your responses. Thank you.