I'm just an average, run of the mill, middle-aged woman. Two years
ago, I found out that my cholesterol was a bit higher than it should have
been. The internist that I was seeing at the time wrote out a prescription
for Lipitor. I asked a few general questions of the doctor, filled the
prescription and went on my way. I am still paying the price for what could
be one of the biggest mistakes of my life.
I started taking Lipitor in June of 2003. The summer was busy and my husband
and I were doing a lot of entertaining at our home. I was exhausted with
all of the company but loving every opportunity that we had to spend more
time with our friends and family. Mid-July, I suspected that I had pushed
myself a bit too far. I felt achy just about everywhere. It started with a
stiff neck and proceeded to severe pain in my hip muscles and joints. I
could not sleep for the pain. I tried every muscle relaxing cream on the
market, but nothing was helping. By mid-August, I realized that something
was very wrong. I kept trying to convince myself that I was getting better,
but I wasn’t. In fact, I was getting much worse. I had seen the television
ads for Statin drugs that said things like, “If you are experiencing muscle
weakness, contact your doctor immediately.â€