by Ray Holder » Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:38 pm
Hi damaged
The answers to statin damage and Q10's part in it's treatment are not that simple. Statins cause damage by reducing the body's production of not only Q10, but of several other essentials. dolichol, seleno protein, etc, as shown in spacedoc's book.It would seem certain that Q10 shortage leads to shortfall in output of other things such as carnitine, because the energy supply for their manufacture is insufficient.
The basic place for this damage to be felt is in the mitochondria, the minute producers of the energy chemical adenosine triphosphate, which is necessary in millions of mitochondria in virtually every part of the body to provide the power supply for almost all cells' needs. One muscle cell is said to contain 1000 mitochondria. Q10 is essential in the chemical process in the mitochondria to convey sugar or fat through the stages involved, by acting as electron conveyors in raising energy levels to make the chemical changes.
Carnitine has its part to play ay this stage, as fat cannot find its way into the mitochondria unless accompanied by carnitine, which has a second function to sweep up the "combustion" products, otherwisw pain from lactic acidosis occurs. So, muscle weakness or loss, can be caused if it is not present at the beginning of the energy process, or pain will be felt when the "ashes" are not cleared away.
Q10 supplementation can only replace part of the statin reduction of activity in the mevalonate pathway, sometimes sufficient to give great improvement, but as most people have individual problems, not always, unfortunately. Carnitine supplementation will give much help to those with muscle wastage or pain, but again, not always.
Heart weakness is sometimes felt, I have needed both supplements for this and muscle loss for about 7 years, but not as good results lately as anno domini relentlessly moves on.
I believe you are taking 200 mg of Q10, that may not be sufficient, unfortunately there ae few places where you can get Q10 level checked, and you have to resort to trial and error. As you have so much muscle problem, I would suggest you try some L Carnitine, most easily taken as capsules at first, starting with 500 mg daily, increasing by another 500 mg after 3/4 days, and so on. If it helps, don't just continue increasing, but try a few days with extra Q10, say another 100 a day, to see if you get more improvement, if not, after a week or so, drop back to 200 and try a little more carnitine, suck it and see, I'm afraid.
Q10 does not cause problems in an alkaline stomach by getting into the bloodstream to cause trouble, but the lack of acid allows a yeast to grow in the stomach, most undesirabe.
Mitochondrial DNA change is a possibility, but try some of the other possibilities first, no-one can give you a figure for the supplement dosage you need, it will be individual to you, your age, and the amount of damage you have received. I had been taking 1200 mg Q10 and15 grams carnitine daily, but at 88 and having had polio, they are exceptional, and I have now gone over to QH type Q10 and not yet reached a satisfactory state.
Keep on trying,