I all I don't have a lot of time to came here and read but I took the time today and this thread is great good job Craig.
My story is a very long one you can read it at this link and a link to my story before Statin Drugs.
http://www.spacedoc.com/board/viewtopic ... 1182#11182It has been 3 yrs sence my Heart Bypass Surgery where I died 5 x's and was put in a coma 14 weeks due to infections. Only to survive all this to be in pain and crippled from being forced to take Statin Drugs. You see when they told me to take them I knew that had bad sides. But the Heart Dr.'s used my family telling them I would not live out the yr. if I did not take them durgs.
I have pain from day one on them and each time I seen Dr.'s I told them but they would not listen and kept changing them. Until last Sept. I could not stand up or walk anymore now I am on pain pills and need a walker to walk.
Things are better I can now shower fix food and drive. As for Exercise best I can do is walk in a therapy pool for an hour 3x's / week.
I am a mod. at a low Testosterone forum for men and a Thyroid forum for Men's only Thyroid.
I have survived a lot in the last 30 yrs I had a head injury that damaged my Pituitary Gland in my brain.
So my brain does not tell my body to make hormones like Testosterone, Cortisol, Thyroud, Ferritin and Aldosterone. Yet I get buy and help Men on the forums so Craig if you need info about being on Testosterone meds send me an Email at
pmgamer18@msn.com Or join my forum at Yahoo.
So where am I a yr. later not much better to me this is not fast enough. My wish a yr. ago was to not be in pain and walking with out a walker I am not there yet.
As for Dr.'s it a waste of my time and money here in MI. the Dr.'s here feel the problems I have are not due to Statin Drugs to them they can do no wrong.
Here are the supplements I am on that work and as for CoQ10 if your older you need this kind the CoQ10 reg. CoQ10 will not convert into Ubiquinol.
I am still on pain meds.
Vicodin/Lortab/Acetaminophen/Hydrocodone 500mg/5mg PO Tab 3x’s/day.
And this must have slowed down my voiding I now have a bad Bladder Infection and I must have had this for months. The pain meds hide this infection until it went into my Kidneys. So now I am on my 4th refell of anti's trying to fix this so just more pain.
• TMG 750mg 1pm and 11pm 2 pills a day.
• Solary Super Bio C 2 x’s/day 1000 mgs. Total.
• l-Arginine and l-Orthinine 100 Capsules, 750 mg, Twinlab 1 at bedtime.
• NOW brand ZMA 800mgs 3 at bedtime.
• Copper 2mgs 1 at noon.
• Dr. Cranton's PrimeNutrients 3/day.
• Biotics Bio-D-Mulsion Forte Vit. D 2000 IU's per drop I am doing 10 drops a day.
• Iodoral Iodine 1 tab / day 12.5 mgs.
• I went with NOW brand for the following supplements do to a high levels on a Homocysteine Cardiovascular and below normal level of Folate RBC labs.
• NAC N-Acetyl Cysteine, Selenium, Molybdenum - 600 mg.
• B-12 (Brain) Methylcobalamin - 5000 mcg lozenges. 3x’s/week.
• Coenzyme B Complex 2x’s /day.
• P-5-P (Coenzyme B6) 50 mgs. 2x’s / day.
• I am taking 800 mcg. Folacal for low Folate RBC.
• BioCitrate Selenium - 200 mcg 1x’s / day morning.
• Krill Oil capliques 1,000 mgs. 2 with food morning mercola.com
• Ubiquinol Capliques Featuring Kaneka's Qh (300mgs) 3x’s/day mercola.com.
• Lecithin 1200 mgs 3 caps 2x’s/day.
• Acetyl-L Carnitine 500 mg 3x’s/day.
• Alpha Lipoic Acid 250 mg/day.
• Life-Extension-PQQ-Caps-with-Bio-PQQ-10-mgs./day.
• Genceutic Naturals – Glyco-Plex 2 pill 2x’s/ day.
• Doctor's Best, Best Delta Gold Tocotrienols, 150 mgs at dinner.