the mitochondrial connection

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

the mitochondrial connection

Postby David Staup » Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:52 am

The similarities between statin damage and mitochondrial desease is stunning. see the following survey on what is called the "mito cocktail" which is the essentially the list of vitamins, minerals and suppliments that we use:

The extent of the physician and clinical network for diagnosis, treatment. and research for mitochondrial desease is much more mature than ours and I think it would be benificial to us to investigate further.

One thing I've found already is that they have what appears to be a better handle on the best sources of the suppliments, I've only just begun to look into this but here is just one example:


I'm currently experiencing a LOW in my condition and cannot devote much time to this investigation and invite the rest of you to look into this and report back.

David Staup
Posts: 546
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:20 pm

170 ML divided by 17000 Mg = 100 Mg per ML. That means each bottle contains as much as 170 capsules at 100Mg each (most of the bottles we get have 30 capsules at 100 or 200 Mg each). If the price is right it could be a great, cost-effective alternative. Worth watching.

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Postby David Staup » Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:33 pm

Another possibility....I would surely cut down on the number of pills


David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby David Staup » Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:38 pm

Sorry about the above link
I lost the correct link for a single combo capsule for about 70% of what I take will try to find it again
David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby David Staup » Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:32 am

an interesting article


David Staup
Posts: 546
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby harley2ride » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:38 pm

For me, I do well with the MitoCH Power from Vitacost. I only take that, NADH, Fish Oil, baby asprin every other day, lyrica, multi vitamin, and my daily sleeping pill.
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Newest Newsletter/Focus on Mitochondrial Damage

Postby Nancy W » Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:05 am

Hi...I just finished reading the newest newsletter with Dr. Graveline's multi-part summary of the research over time which has led to understanding the damage caused by statins. Obviously, the most recent understanding is that of damage to the mitochondria. I have just also finished his third book, which is great, and look forward to his upcoming book on the mitochondrial damage.

I posted an update on me a few weeks back. I was doing well. The naturopath suggested I try cutting back on some of the supplements. So I did. I am back to say that the neuropathy has increased...more frequent epeisodes, mostly in my feet, sometimes in my legs and occasionally in my hands. I am noticing the return of muscle fatigue with exercise. So I am bumping the supplements back up.

BTW, my CK and Homocysteine were normal.

Here are my questions:

1) How is mitochondrial damage diagnosed? I think I read the name of the biopsy or test somewhere on this site, but haven't found it again.

2) I have been paying retail for all the supplements...since it looks like I will be continuing to pay for supplements, I am wondering what sources you have for getting them at a better price. Any suggestions would be wonderful.

I had put off going to a neurologist because I was getting better. I had hoped that that trend would continue. I now realize that I may need to get a neurological consult, if only for a baseline and a diagnosis. So, another question:

3) Any ideas on the best way to go about picking a neurologist? A sub-specialty?

One option I have is to go back to Julian Whitaker's Clinic and do the full course of hyperbarics (30-40 sessions), since the couple I had seemed to help for a while (2 sessions).

So glad this site is here, and so thankful for Dr. Graveline's work.

For those who haven't read his books, or the articles by the other docs on the site, I highly recommend them.

Thanks, in advance, for your thoughts and suggestions!
Nancy W
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Postby David Staup » Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:20 am


I'm only going to respond on the question of the neurologist right now I'm short on time.

in my opinion you should enter the mito network for this and there are three ways to go.

1. use this locator from the mda site:


2. find a pedeiatrician who is familiar with mito and ask there

3. join the adult mito group on yahoo and ask there


I'm so sorry that your back and have one suggestion: try reducing you exercise regime again

others will help with the best source for suppliments but remember the B vtamins have produced the best results documented here for neuropothy

oh and google IMPOSTER trial I think it describes the tests or go to the stopped our statins site there is a link there:


David Staup
Posts: 546
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Location: granbury, texas

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