I am a 49 year old female with a family history of high cholesterol and heart disease. My blood pressure is 100/60, I am a non-smoker and I exercise 5 times a week..weight training & cardio..(wish I was thinner...but size 10 isn't bad)...My own numbers were ok until last year..total of 238, LDL of 168..Dr put me on 20 mg Zocor & assured me that she would do the same for her own mother. Started in April of 2005. I am an avid gardener and we started putting in a waterfall the same day I started the meds..I thought my low backache was just from straining those muscles. Also from working out at the gym. Back stiffness and pain was mainly in the morning..couldn't hardly put my socks on...I just thought I was getting old as after I was up for a bit, it eased off. At the 3 month point, I had my blood work done and numbers were great! Total was 178 & LDL was 108. I assumed the liver/kidney function was ok as doc said keep taking the meds. Planned a camping trip & assumed my back would be in agony after sleeping on the ground. Had a glass of wine & fell asleep. Felt great the next morning. A few weeks later I connected the dots & remembered I had not taken the Zocor. Started to rethink the few times I had not felt the back pain. Decided to try not taking it. The very first morning, the back pain was gone. Now I knew about the side effects...I was carefully paying attention. However, MY assumption of what constituted muscle aches was that I would ache all over..like I had the flu or something..and since my blood work didn't show anything...I just didn't connect the Zocor to the backache.
Went for my checkup this April. Numbers are higher than last year, total of 246 and LDL of 178. Doc wants me on Lipitor. She knows about what happened with Zocor. She said I should try the Lipitor as some people just can't handle one statin or another. She wanted me on 10 mg of Lipitor. She agreed to let me cut those in half. I picked up the samples, but I am just scared to take it! I have been looking to see what the odds are of reacting to a different statin, and what are the REAL long term benefits of taking one.
I had once incident last summer of putting something in my daughters car, not being able to find it, & when she told me, "Mom, you put it in my car", I have absolutely NO memory of doing so. (You know how usually you remember and think "Oh yeah, NOW I remember") This spring I found some files in the cabinet that I had made & filed receipts into from last summer and I had been looking all over for them. The files are in my handwriting, so I know it was me that did it. I still have no memory of doing that. That is SO scary.
Am now starting to wonder if a tendon thing I have going on in one knee is result of the Zocor as well.
So, I guess what I am asking is if it is likely that I will react to Lipitor and does anyone know what the clinical study results REALLY say, especially for women. Am also concerned about my parents, both take statins. My Mom on Zocor & is showing some signs of memory issues, but is going to 81.