what are normal cholestrol levels??

A forum to discuss cholesterol and the meaning of blood cholesterol levels.

what are normal cholestrol levels??

Postby thib » Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:06 pm

I am wondering what the consensus is about normal levels? Especially if it is different for different ages or even Males vs. females.
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Normal cholesterol levels??

Postby catamaran » Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:32 pm

Whatever your number is is normal for you. Increase your vitamin C intake and your cholesterol number will go down.

Cholesterol, so called, it's actually a lipid level, is a factor predictive of cardio-vascular disease only when related to serum ascorbate deficiency. The higher your serum ascorbate, the less inflluence "cholesterol" has on the genesis of atherosclerosis.

The LAST thing you should do is take a drug to lower your "cholesterol" number. Whatever the drug is will have adverse side-effects that will more than outweigh any advantage gained from its use. Cholesterol of itself is a systemic detoxifier in lieu of serum ascorbate. :!:
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Re: Normal cholesterol levels??

Postby 06MI » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:40 am

[quote="catamaran"]Increase your vitamin C intake and your cholesterol number will go down.[/quote]

Well said, just as I'd read over at [http://tinyurl.com/5zdhj]
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:47 pm

There is no normal cholesterol levels. The drug companies are evil. I wish when my doctor told me my cholesterol levels were high and I needed to start taking a statin drug, I told him to go to hell.
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:53 pm

On April 4, 2008, I posted this comment, " There is no normal cholestrol level ". No one has responded to agree or disagree, therefore I must be right! In 1992, My Cholestrol levels were total cholestrol-282, HDL-49, LDL-186 and trigs-149. In Jan., 2008, My Cholestrol levels were total cholestrol-279, HDL-54, LDL-191 and trigs-170. For 16 years my cholestrol levels were, according to the drug companies high and dangerous. At 72 years old, I am still here and the only problems I have are from being stupid and taking Lovastatin for 13 months. I have been off of Lovastatin for two years and my legs are almost useless. My heart is still OK. But, My habits may differ from the normal person. I have been taking two 325 aspirins every morning since 1975 and I drink, at least, a six pack of beer every day.

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normal levels

Postby redheadedmary » Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:41 pm

I don't think there are "normal" cholesterol levels. My doc said that my numbers complement each other and with my age (34 years) I am just not in a high risk group and should have never been prescribed lovastatin in the first place.
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Postby Darrell » Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:51 pm

You've found a good doctor, Mary.
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Re: statin drugs

Postby catamaran » Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:05 pm

[quote="gotts1936"]On April 4, 2008, I posted this comment, " There is no normal cholestrol level ". No one has responded to agree or disagree, therefore I must be right!

Well, the last reading for "cholesterol" in my system was 287mg/dl....perfectly normal for me. I haven't had the level checked for five or six years during which time I have been on a vitamin C supplementation regimen that has stopped the progression of atherosclerosis and increased uniformly the thickness of the intima of my carotid arteries....can't argue with success. :D

Someone joked a while ago that if everyone knew of the benefits of sufficient amounts of vitamin C in the diet, there would be a lot of cardiologists looking for jobs as taxi-drivers. :!:
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Cholesterol numbers

Postby Judy_ » Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:18 pm

I've never had total cholesterol numbers below 240 all my adult life. It was considered "normal" back then.

I'm 65 now, and it has been going up over the years.
The last test (fasting) was total 351, HDL 106, triglycerides 56, and LDL (estimated) at 234. (the numbers don't add up to 351, but this is what I got in the report)

My ratios have usually been the same no matter how high the total goes.
Of course, they have recommended the Statin drugs which I have never taken. If I develop heart trouble, maybe I'll reconsider.

I was upset about this, and came home and went to the Framingham website. These are the people who have studied generational heart disease for 40 years.
I typed in the numbers and it said that I have a 5% chance of developing heart disease within 10 years.

My question is, are my numbers anything to worry about? I've never had my arteries checked to know if they are getting blocked or not.

I do have asthma and hyperventilate at times also, which gives me a bad feeling in my chest, and sometimes, not often, I'll get a little "squiggly" sensation at times on the left side of my chest, but nothing that would make me feel like I am collapsing or have heart trouble and it isn't a feeling of pressure on me.

All of my bloodwork is perfect, all except this high cholesterol number sticking out there like a sore thumb!
Blood pressure has always been on the lower side, about 100 or 110 over 60-70. Resting heart rate is about 65.

Would it help anything at all if I try to get my numbers down with a natural supplement, or doesn't it matter at all?

My mother had cholesterol in the upper 200's. She did develop congestive heart failure and valve trouble when she got older. But I think these are nutritional and she also had Rheumatic Fever as a child.
My grandfather had a heart attack when he was about 55 years old and then lived to be 85 w/o any other problems, developing a weaker heart and wheezing when he got older.

You hear so much, and at times I worry about my "high cholesterol".
The Statin drugs are horrible and I don't want to take them!
I know that the stress of worrying about it isn't good! The doctor's office even called to tell me about the high numbers and then sent a follow-up report, and the doctor thought it important I get on Statin drugs right away
and then come in for another test in 3 months.
I told them I wasn't taking the drugs.
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Postby David Staup » Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:22 pm


this is a little long but very informative....

the jist of it is cholesterol is NOT bad but the reasons you have "high" cholesterol are

to reduce the need for cholesterol and therefore your body's production start with 1 or 2 grams of vitamin C after each meal and greatly reduce sugars and starches... carbs in gerneral


David Staup
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Postby Judy_ » Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:13 pm

Thank you David.
If my numbers don't mean anything, then why should I take all of the Vitamin C?
I could not possibly get that much in a foodform, although I have just started taking the Cataplex C by Standard Process. But it is nowhere as strong as Ascorbic Acid.

Will the Vit. C also lower my triglycerides? They are low now, and don't need to be further lowered.
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Postby David Staup » Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:54 pm


no one said you cholesterol numbers don't mean anything...they mean that your body is requiring the cholesterol for reasons that can be controlled thus bringing the need and the numbers down...the cholesterol number is used for repairs and as an indicator not a cause of damage....reducing the cause is a good thing...did you read the webpage in my last post?

some reading:

http://www.spacedoc.net/cholesterol_gui ... older.html

now about the triglycerides, that's a bit more complex how low are they and why are low?
Triglycerides form when your body converts extra calories into triglycerides and stores them in your fat cells. Normal levels of triglycerides are less than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). If your levels fall between 35 to 55 mg/dL, you are within a healthy range.

If triglyceride levels fall below 35, it may or may not be dangerous depending on other aspects of your health. If you follow a strict low fat diet, low triglycerides may occur because there are fewer total fat calories to store. However, if you struggle to retain foods and absorb nutrients, low levels can be a dangerous result from malabsorption.
Hyperthyroidism, when your thyroid produces excess hormones, may also affect triglycerides. Here is a link to hyperthyroidism – http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000356

read this on diet:


David Staup
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Postby Judy_ » Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:23 am

Hi David,
I am going to have to read the sites you recommended.

The question off the top of my head is:

"If I need this cholesterol for some particular reason, then why should I even try to lower it?"
The triglycerides that went with the high HDL and high total cholesterol, was only 56. If it is a balancing act, then they are low in proportion.

No, I am not on any kind of restricted fat diet. I don't believe in that either. The low fat fad has made a nation of obese people! I stay away from hydrogenated fats. I used butter, olive oil, and coconut oil primarily for cooking. I make homemade salad dressing out of Flax oil.
Awhile back, I did lose about 20# but the cholesterol didn't go down.
The ratios have always been about the same, even when the total was lower. Maybe I should leave well enough alone and not try to bring it down. Cholesterol tends to go up with age, maybe as a built in protection.
Since I started out at about 240 or 250, maybe it hasn't gone up all that much.
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Postby David Staup » Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:30 pm


you wrote:

The question off the top of my head is:

"If I need this cholesterol for some particular reason, then why should I even try to lower it?"

that's a good question...you don't want to artificially lower it but you can reduce the bodies need for it and your body will respond. If you do this your lowered numbers will represent a healthier body. the vitamin C will reduce the damage being done and your body will require less cholesterol and so it will produce less ....it's a good thing and worth a try at least.
and it will get your doctor off your back about it... :wink:
David Staup
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Normal Cholesterol Levels

Postby baronkb » Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:05 am

I am new to forum. 58 yr. old male; Type 2 diabetes, Confirmed CAD with stent inserted mid-LAD in 2008 for 80% block. Other arteries fairly to totally clear at that time. Have been told I have bad lipids for over 20 years and been on one statin or another most of that time. Most recently on 80 mg lipitor, increased from 20 mg and then 40 mg to 80 after my stent. Statin history began w/Mevacor in early 90s, then lipitor late 90s. Doc put me on Crestor about 2004 - that lasted about 2 weeks and nearly crippled me with back and leg spasms. Developed chronic lower back pain beginning around 2001. Two MRIs - 2005 and 2008 - have revealed multiple disc herniations but none severe enough per neurosurgeon to cause the debillating spasms I experience. Research on statins suggested strong connection with skeletal and back muscle deterioration gradually decreased and stopped lipitor in November 2009. Since, back has seen much but not total improvement plus am able to exercise intensively with minimal discomfort. Then got my VAP numbers 2 months after stopping lipitor and the changes were dramatic to most recent test while taking only 10 mg lipitor.
TC - 306 vs. 182
LDL - 236 vs. 143, pattern B (bad, small)
Tri - 206 vs. 147
HDL - 29 vs. 29 (nothing has ever improved HDL)
Unexpectedly relatively good (not great) numbers for
LP(a) - 9
Homocystiene - 10.9
CRP - didn't retest but doc said was "low" in Nov 09.
Hb A1c - 6.0

Cardiologist suggested I restart a statin (naturally) and per advice on Spacedoc regarding those afflicted w/Familial Hypercholesteremia agreed to low dose (20mg) pravastatin. So far (2 weeks) no noticeable side effects.

Taking multiple supplements and recently increased Vit C, Lysine and Proline as well as l-arginine supplement to levels suggested by Pauling et al. Also fish oil 4g, krill oil 1g, cinnamon, metformin, Lantus 38/u per day.

I will be curious to see results in a couple of months from pravastatin and whether side effects develop or return - if they do I'm done with the statins.

Judy - with your HDL being > 100 you have no worries and certainly don't need a statin. Mine on the otherhand seems a bit worrisome.

Family history - father dead at 57 from MI - had TC > 300. Older brother age 62, LAD 100% blocked at age 60, also recently dumped statins due to side effects. Younger brother age 55, no evident CAD yet per nuclear stress test but on 20 mg lipitor and just discontinued due to nerve issues in arms and feet.

Forum and Spacedoc has been immensely informative. I guess I still question that my levels indeed place me in the Familial CH category as I've seen many posts with TC> 400, 500, etc. :roll:
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Postby uncle2blade » Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:35 am

Hi Baronkb,

Welcome to our forum, sorry to here your having problems. I wish I had some answers for you. I am also a Crestor victim. Reading other peoples posts helped me a lot. We all have different stories and different solutions. I picked a chose from what other people did, and found what worked for me. If you search the member list, you can find a member (adec)
a nurse in New York, joined Sept. 2006. I think if you read all of the posts by adec you might get some answers.

Best to you, Craig
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Postby David Staup » Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:56 am

hi Baron,

excellant post ...keep us informed

one thing I want to mention is that in Golomb's adverse effects study her list of "risk factors" include both exertion and prior statin exposure.

be carefull and watch for the first signs of any of the adverse effects...
see my post here for a symptom list:


I tell you this because my history includes about 80% recovery about 18 months after stopping statins then 4 months later I allowed my doctor to talk me into restarting and within 5 weeks was on a downward spiral that led to total disability within 7 months. the last three weeks of the re-exposure included heavy exertion on the job and may itself have been the trigger.....be very careful

David Staup
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Postby baronkb » Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:58 am

Thank you all for your quick replies! I currently use a combination of high intensity interval training (PACE) following Dr. Sears program combined with the FatBurningFurnance high intensity resistance weight training - twice each week of each currently. (I have no affiliation with either program). I find it is doing wonders for my blood sugar - dropping my FBG by over 20%. With sugar being one of the prime inflammatories for CHD, the program is terrific. One area of disappointment to me is lack of affect on HDL - mine as always been abysmal at sub 30 and NOTHING prescribed or attempted seems to influence good or bad. If I had HDL > 40 I wouldn't give a hoot about the TC or LDL!

Interesting post (Golumb - risk factors). I have long suspected that my diabetes was influenced or caused by statins - no history at all anywhere in my family for this. I have always had mild weight issues - probably due to early gorging on junk food and later following low fat-high carb diets as all the "experts" recommended. BTW - weight and body fat under much better control with low carb-high fat, protein diet combined with intensity exercises. Also interesting regarding Rippling muscle disease - my spinal muscles would often contract sitting in my car for no apparent reason! I really thought something had gone wrong with my car seat until it happened in virtually any vehicle I sat in. Felt like a steel pole was strapped vertically to my back. That is one symptom I am watching carefully since restarting the statin - so far so good. Another that I forgot mention is a strange tremor in my right arm when placed in a resting position on my elbow. This also disappeared shortly after stopping the lipitor.

uncle2blade - I shall seek out member adec as you recommend.

Best regards
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