following is an excerpt from Golomb's statin adverse effects study concerning hypothyroidism as a risk factor for statin adverse effects... note how
"Statins have rarely aggravated hypothyroidism – produced loss of stable control on thyroid medications, with control restored on statin discontinuation"
full excerpt:
Thyroid disorders, hypothyroidism, – Thyroid hormone is critically involved in regulation of oxidative phosphorylation (mitochondrial
including unnoticed or asymptomatic function), and thyroid pathology, even if treated, may signal metabolic vulnerability because of the
hypothyroidism[36,94,164,181,223,354,381-383] importance of triiodothyronine (thyroid replacement focuses on thyroxine)[384-390]
– Thyroid problems alone are a risk factor for rhabdomyolysis[223]
– Statins have rarely aggravated hypothyroidism – produced loss of stable control on thyroid medications, with control restored on statin discontinuation.[391,392] One case involved amiodaroneinduced hypothyroidism.[392] Since both statins and amiodarone produce AEs through mitochondrial toxicity,[288] we suggest thyroid dyscontrol on statins may occur in cases of hypothyroidism linked to mitochondrial or energetic impairment
there is also a study showing statins can cause symptoms that are often misdiagnosed as hyperthyroidism and hense may cause hypothyroid tests to be skewed towards normality... see link below:
in my case I was (mis)diagnosed as hyperthyroid and my thyroid was nuked making me hypothyroid and was originally put on a synthetic t4 replacement, however every time the doctor upped my dose to bring my tests up to "normal" my muscle symptoms worsened and I would demand a reduction...I functioned with the least problems at a dose which put my test results just below the low end of normal...
I have since changes to a natural t3 +t4 and most recently tried to up my dose again only to have the muscle symptoms again increase dramatically...I've been back down to my normal dose now for about 1 week and the muscle symptoms are abating ... I have been off statins for 3 years now..
do not, I repeat do not listen tothe doctors about cholesterol lowering and let us guide you to the truth about cholesterol and your body...If you post a bit more about yourself and your health, age, diet, etc. we can lead you to info that you should know when seeing your doctor...