
A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.


Postby nadinac » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:10 am

In today's e-mail newsletter regarding the switch from cholesterol to inflammation as a target for statins, Dr.Graveline said, "Hopefully soon we will have an anti-inflammatory statin that does not block the mevalonate pathway. That will be true medical progress."

My question: Why does the anti-inflammatory element have to be a statin at all? I have used serrapeptase, an enzyme, for good effect in dealing with muscle-joint inflammation, including that caused by statins.

I have some concerns about serrapeptase because, although it is represented to be widely prescribed or recommended in Europe, especially Germany, by physicians, I have seen no studies (written in English) that could be considered to be reliable. Back in the old days (in the 1950's, when I was in high school), we were told that in order to become a physician, one had to study German, French, and Latin. I think those requirements have been dropped so today's physicians can't read the German studies. And neither can I.

Has anyone else used or prescribed serrapeptase for inflammation?
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Postby Brian C. » Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:09 am

I have been taking serrapeptase for about a year now for its anti-fibrin action since I have a coronal artery (LAD) blockage. Fibrin is a constituent of blood clots.

For those unfamiliar with this enzyme it is obtained from silk worms and is the enzyme that enables the matured moth to dissolve the silk fibres of the cocoon to allow emergence and escape.

I was told by a Greek gentleman that it was common in traditional communities on the Greek islands to eat silk worms for good health.

Brian C.
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Correct the inflamation causes, avoid statins & other dr

Postby maule5662h » Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:45 am

Correct the inflamation causes, avoid statins & other drugs!

Letter - An Alternative to Statins -

Alternative to Statins - by Dr. Dean Ornish
To the Editor:
Re “Plan to Widen Use of Statins Has Skepticsâ€Â
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Postby vicki » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:22 pm

I findit odd they keep saying statins get rid of inflamation. My body was and is still so inflammed from statins. Inflammation they say causes cancer. I have cancer and I believe from statins. Don't know what or how statins did it but I know the statins did cause my cancer.
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Postby maule5662h » Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:10 pm

[quote="vicki"]I find it odd they keep saying statins get rid of inflamation. My body was and is still so inflammed from statins. Inflammation they say causes cancer. I have cancer and I believe from statins. Don't know what or how statins did it but I know the statins did cause my cancer.[/quote]
---------- REPLY: - - -
VICKI - - - Put your focus now on consuming the optimal nutrition for human health, and it is definitely NOT the spacedoc site's Weston A. Price Foundation's guidance!
- - - - - - - -
Go to to get your education.
My website has what I have gathered on "Healthy Lifestyle" for the last 8 years as a Vegan family since then. Go to
- - - - -
OPTIMAL NUTRITION FOR BEST HEALTH - A Plant-Based, Whole-Foods Diet - centered on starchy plant foods (for enough carb calories) and green and yellow veggies, and some fruits, with no processed oils gives the optimal nutrition for humans since we are designed mainly as plant-eaters. That means avoid/minimize all animal foods, including all meats, poultry, all dairy, all seafoods, and eggs. Avoid/minimize processed foods, including fats/oils and refined carbs (such as white flour).
And get Mike Anderson's RAVE Diet book and Eating DVD and, now, his DVD and Book on "Healing Cancer from the Inside Out."
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Postby lars999 » Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:36 pm

QUOTE FROM PREVIOUS POST "That means avoid/minimize all animal foods, including all meats, poultry, all dairy, all seafoods, and eggs. Avoid/minimize processed foods, including fats/oils and refined carbs (such as white flour)."

WELL, I can agree with a very few thing in last sentence. However, the advice in first sentence is just plain wrong, malicious in practice.

All of us here have enough problems from ignorant doctors prescribing us statins and telling us they do no harm, that cholesterol is the enemy, that low-fat, high carb diets are healthy, etc., etc. And now we are visited by a holy vegan troll.

I have gone back to a healthy carnivore-omnivore diet and doing very well again, thank you. Basically Atkins or Sears diet. Like Uffe has documented so well, "Saturated Fat IS GOOD FOR YOU!" Ditto for eggs, seafoods, meat (especially red meat), poultry, cheeses, yogurts, etc. Clean arteries and no risk factors left, now that I am off Lipitor.

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Postby Allen1 » Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:02 pm

Well said Lars,

we have had that argument with this individual so many times before. All he spouts off about is snippets from his vegan site and quotes from stuff that has nothing whatsoever to do with the problems that this site and its members are trying to find answers to.

lets face it if we want to know about lentil burgers or a Vegan diet that would prove harmful, then there is a simple answer to that ie Google :lol: There is no need for someone who knows nothing of what we are going through, to tell us to make ourselves worse by becoming a Vegan for goodness sake.

Lentil burger anyone ?
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