My Story.

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

My Story.

Postby pmgamer18 » Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:57 pm

My story is sad and long you can read it if you have the time at this link and the update about my Heart Bypass surgery.

Two yrs. ago I had Heart Bypass Surgery it went bad I was put into a coma for about 17 weeks. I was opened up about 5 times died 5 times.

When I came too I was so weak I could not press a button to call a Nurse. I had to lean how to think and walk all over again.

I was put on Statin Drugs even though I never had high levels of Chol. in my Life. I was told the blockage was very old and might have been caused from my low Hormones over the last 29 yrs.

I am Hypopituitary and need to add Testosterone, Cortisol, Thyroid, Iron, Aldosterone and Growth Hormone. My Pituitary dose not tell my body to make enough of them hormones.

So after all them yrs fighting to figure out way my health was so bad. I now have to fight to get my legs back.

About 2 yrs ago when I got out of the hosp. I was put on Stain drugs. I had problems from day one with joint and muscle pain.

Not one of my Dr.'s would take me off them until 8 weeks ago when the pain was making very hard for me to walk.

They took me off the cold and I went down hill fast to the point were 3 weeks ago I could not walk anymore. My Family Dr. gave me Darvocet for the pain I need one pill every 8 hrs so I can walk with a walker.

My Heart Dr. was not the Dr. that put me on the Statin Drugs it was the Dr. that did the surgery.

My Heart Dr. told me he feels my pain in my lower back going into my hips and down my upper legs is from the Statin Drugs.

He told me to get some Ubiquinol Featuring Kaneka's Qh I am on 3 100 mg. pill per day. With Lecithin 1200 mgs each pill 3 2x's a day.

I have been on this 2 week now and starting to get better. But it is very slow, today I started on some Acetyl-L Carnitine 500 mg I take it 30 min's before eating.

I have been helping men I am a Mod. on two forums one for low Testosterone and and one for men's Thyroid.

This is my story I am very worried about this and need all the help I can get.
Thanks Phil
Posts: 74
Joined: Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:23 pm

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