by chillywillow » Sun May 21, 2006 10:52 pm
4 weeks ago my 53 year old husband was diagnoised with heart disease, and had a heart catherization which revealed 2 main arteries in his groin were 90+ percent blocked. he was put on zocor for his high colestorol, He then had 2 stents put in, 4 days later he was put on a resperator and life flighted for multiple organ failure. He was put in the ccu unit, because his liver, kidneys, and lungs were in shutdown, he also had a heart attack via being life flighted. the doctors ran every test they could think of and came up with zocor as the cause, they said it didnt usually hit that fast, but they think that because he had dye shot into him prior to his stenting that it excellerated the effects of the zocor. we were not told that zocor can cause liver failure, nor were we told that the dye they shot into him can cause liver failure also, so the 2 of them were a deadly combo for my husband. he survived his organ failure, but he has been left with memory loss, a numb right hand, total body muscle spasms while sleeping, and severe muscle breakdown. His symtoms while taking the zocor were severe neck and shoulder pain, orange urine, sleepyness all the time, (almost a doped up feeling) diarreah, i almost lost my husband because of this drug, and in a way i did as he is not the same person since his organ failure. all the tests the doctors ran on my husband had what the doctors called astounding numbers, they said he had all the readings of a man that had just died.