by lars999 » Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:16 pm
We all hope you are back to 100% in a couple of weeks!!! Few of us were. My aches and pains and muscle soreness, throbbing, etc. did go pretty much away in a week or so. Then some of them came back and months later I am still trying to get rid of some that came back. For whatever it is worth, the two, three that are being most persistant are also ones that I had reported to my Lipitor-perscribing GGP at least twice in previous years, with no useful result. Fortunately, they are responding to PT and some suppliments (L-carnitine, Vitamin-D), although not yet enough to allow me to return to some activities important to me.
FYI -- NONE of these muscle and ligament pains and aches responded to NSAIDs, like aspirin, ibuprofin, etc., as do normal aches and pains in muscles and ligaments. Presume difference in response is between simple rips and tears in muscle&ligament tissue, which NSAIDS treat well, and oxidative damage to mitrochondria (low CoQ10?) and inadequate cell wall maintanance (low cholesterol?).
What went away steadily for weeks, even months was my greatly decreased stamina and fatigue. This has been case with all my friends that quit statins. In addition, a number of other things went away, things that I had not associated with statin drugs, such as very dry, itchy skin and other dermatolotical problems, inability to control my body temperature without constant changing of clothing, bed covers, thermostat, etc.
To put it another way, getting off Lipitor was like taking a very effective anti-aging pill.
Best wishes,