I've posted my story. 63. Athlete. Total cholesterol 180, HDL 49, LDL 120, triglycerides 53. 33 days on lovastatin. Subsequent escruciating pain from waste down and heart problems. Heart returned to normal in a month, but the pain remains.
Doctor told me side effects are rare. I've interviewed 20 people who've taken statins. 10 of them quit taking them because of side effects. 2 more continued taking them in spite of side effects. That's 12 out of 20 who had side effects. Not at all rare. In fact, side effects are common. And apparently sometimes side effects do not go away after stopping.
I've also researched how statin manufacturers run their "epistomological" studies: they eliminate anyone who has or could have side effects based on age and other medications or past history. That leaves them with a pristine group who is unlikely to experience side effects. From the data derived from that pristine group, they are able to tell doctors side effects are rare. However, had the entire group been tested - IE: the general public - then side effects would be common.
Since some of the side effects constitute pain which precludes the ability to exercise, in some people statins might *increase* the risk of heart disease. I might be one of those. I have not been able to exercise nearly as much as I was since taking statins. My opine, my risk of heart disease went up, not down. If my impromtu study extrapolates to the general public, then half the people taking statins are experiencing pain which makes it difficult for them to exercise. And since lack of exercise is a risk factor for heart disease, in those people the risk of heart disease is increased by statins, *not* decreased.
In addition, pain lowers quality of life. If 100 million people are on statins worldwide as some say they are, and half of those experience pain and suffering from these drugs, then 50 million people have been made to suffer.
I'm hoping the statin manufacturers are telling some truths and that people with extremely high cholesterol are actually being helped by statins. But even if that's so there is a plethora of folks who are being harmed and having their risk of cardovascular disease increased because of improperly prescribed statins.
I recently read an article in Fox: they stated the latest theory is that even people with low cholesterol can benefit from statins.
Where are the class action lawyers? Where are the checks and balances? Where's the FDA? The DoJ? Anybody out there with authority paying attention to this travesty of justice?
I'm disgusted.
Sorry folks. I know many of you have experienced pain, as I have. I hope somehow this thing turns around.
Fairness and justice demand it.
Have a nice day if you can.