by lars999 » Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:13 pm
This is an update to my initial post above. I am soon 5 months off Lipitor.
I have added Vitamin C, 500 mg X 4 to 6 per day and Vitamin D3, 1000IU X 6 per day.
I have not felt so consistantly good in years!! Stamina has remained at a much improved level and shows little flucuation from day to day.
Much improved performance with badly Lipitor-damaged left arm. Tricepts muscle strength and stamina in weight lifting are approching that of right arm but both are well down from only two years ago. Deltoid muscle in left arm remains much decreased in size and strength and still has little endurance, although it is finally starting to respond to light workouts.
Most recent good news is that I can now jog small fractions (1/8, 3/16, 1/4) of a mile at 4,5 mph. Not too long ago I could only walk on treadmill for 1,0 mile at 2,0 mph. Finally got that up to 3,0 - 3,9 mph and 3,0 miles per session. BIG difference in effort required to jog at 4,5 mph, compared to walking at 3,9 mph!!! For recent weeks, I am experincing the kinds of muscle "sensations" in calf muscles that I long ago learned to associate with increased conditioning and associated growth of new capillary blood vessels. Now that I am able to jog these diddly short distanes, my old Lipitor-caused muscle pains in right calf are back intermittenly.
The really nice thing about these recent improvements in muscle performance is that they have been steadily increasing small amounts with each workout session. This is strikingly different from about two years ago, when muscle performance was steadily decreasing with even moderate workouts. With hindsight, I now understand that these decreases were result of Lipitor damage to my mitochondria. With hindsight, this puzzling decrease in physical performance was a forewarning of the major adverse effects this past spring.
I am trying to finally, three weeks later, to pry out of my cardiologist, the results of dopplar and blood pressure measurements on femoral arteries of my legs. These tests were to sort out two possible problems: 1) deep thrombosis in right calf muscle, vs 2) Lipitor muscle damage. From watching the tests and chatting with operator, there seems to be little, if any thrombosis. Also, with any significant thrombosis, my improvements on treadmill performance, especially jogging, would not have been expected.
It is really nice to no longer need a cane for more than short walks!!
I am also noticing apparent improvements in such unexpected things as retinal performance of my badly glaukoma-degraded right eye. Later this week I may get this checked via visual-field tests. My presumption is that this is result of glaukoma-damaged (but not killed) retinal cells having undergone repair, perhaps via higher cholesterol concentration and/or better function of mitochondria. Praktikal effect is that I now see colors as brightly with right eye as with left eye. Previously, colors were quite "faded" as seen with right eye.
Sometime in coming months, I intend to have blood serium concentrations measured for such things as; Vitamin-D, testosteron, homosystein, total inflammation, perhaps also CoQ10, L-carnitin, and VAP cholesterol particle type spectrum. I might even have the usual "lipid panel" stuff measured, mostly for laughs.
Now, I am begining to wonder if all this attention to health of my mitochondria can be transitioned from a rescue effort to a "fountain of youth" effort. At least get myself from 70 down to 55 functional age, that is, IF I make it back to 70.
Best wishes to all of you for similar steady improvements!!
And a big thanks to Drs. Duane Graveline, Uffe Ravenskov, Beatrice Golumb, Kilmer McCully, Linus Pauling, and all the many others!!