notice cholestrol went way up after starting statins....

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notice cholestrol went way up after starting statins....

Postby vicki » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:16 pm

I've been going through 15 yrs. of my old lab tests, doctor calls. Yes I did all the work and got most of all my office calls and lab work. Noticed at first my cholestrol went down from 245 (where mine started at when put on statins) to 214 then one yr later it went up to 345. My cholestrol has always been around 245 or so. (I'm sure it was at 245 because I needed that much). I would think by going up up up that my body was trying to fix what was right for me.

Once again I have CLL (cancer) my Lymphacytes and wbc started going up, platelets started going down down down after a few yrs. on statin drugs. People take note watch your Wt. Blood count (sometimes infection if elevated) and your Lymphacytes if they are going up up up. This doesn't mean cancer yet, it means your lymphs need watching. No doctor paid attention even when my lymphs doubled. Scarry! watch your own blood tests learn to read them. Also my urine became darker and darker, CPK tests and Bun showed nothing unusal.

My platelets dropped over 100 points and I got MCV , red blood cells were enlarged and doctors didn't know why. I had extreme stomach problems and breathing problems. stomach problems got so bad I was in exterme pain. Breathing problems hospitalized for.
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Joined: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:13 pm

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