COQ10 wins

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COQ10 wins

Postby pops » Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:26 pm

Well, folks, I've had statin induced pain and I tried all the supplements on earth, and COQ10 wins.

Since I'm not willing to strain my kidneys and liver any more than I have to, I wanted to know which supplement outperformed all of them, so I could take only that one and not the rest. Like I said, COQ10 won.

An article: ... ealth.html

It's a good one. It suggests taking COQ10 at a rate of at least 100 mg per day for a year. I believe some statin victims in the study took 300 mg per day.

I am not a health care professional and I cannot prescribe medicine. I am not prescribing; I am sharing information I discovered on the Internet.

YMMV (Your mileage may vary).

Best luck to all of you.

May the greedy people who lie about statin side effects grow consciences, henceforth being honest, so that the world discovers the truth. And may doctors learn to use these drugs properly in only people who (a) need them and (b) do not suffer severe side effects from them. And lastly, may the medical community stop giving statins out like they were breath mints. Amen.

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Joined: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:11 pm

Postby lars999 » Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:11 pm

Thank you for that link! CoQ10 was first suppliment I took after quiting Lipitor. Later I found I needed to increase from 100 mg as Ubiquinol 2X daily to 3X daily to get a clear benifit -- this was during time I was seeing steady reversal/decrease of Lipitor adverse side effects after quiting.

I did a little experiment myself, not a quanitiative one, where I took either CoQ10 (as Ubiquinol 100 mg), Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500 mg or some food 30-45 minutes before working out. Each one gave about the same improvement over no food or suppliment since breakfast (3-4 hours earlier). With no food or either suppliment I was quiting workout because I ran out of energy. With them I was quiting because muscles had been worked enough that further exercise would be risking need for 2-3 days of rest.

I have now started a follow-on experiment using a fixed quanity of food and 1000 mg of Acetyl-L-Carnitine 30 min before workouts. Best workouts yet, since quiting Lipitor, as well as nice increases in number of reps and maximum weights used. Some day soon I will add 100 mg CoQ10 as Ubiquinol and watch for additional improvements. I will also be using this trio as "energy snacks" on upcoming cross country ski trips, in an effort to not be so grossly limited as I was last year, when I did not know why I was such a wimp.

Thanks again.
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Postby pops » Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:02 pm


I'm glad l-cartinine worked well for you. I'd try it, but I hate taking pills, so I narrowed it down to 1, and coq10 won the draw. I never actually tried cartinine, so I guess I lied when I said I tried everything. I didn't want to list the things I did try because it would be a long list.

Also, I'm not as much of an athlete as you. I swim - probably 1/3 mile 2 or 3 times a week, and I hike about 2.3 miles 3 or 4 times a week, and I lift light weights and/or do push ups and chin ups and crunches another several times a week. At my age - 63 - I figure that's pretty good. And I did it with absolutely no pain before lovastatin.

Then lovastatin kicked my arse in the dirt.

At least we're both finding things that help. Thank you for your post. The one thing I truly believe in is that optimism is better than pessimism, and when I see people posting here that they've just about given up, I want to inculcate a sense of faith in them that it's possible they can still be healed.

Thank you for helping in that effort.

Keep the faith, and have a great day.

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Postby lars999 » Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:53 pm

Hello pOps!!

On any given day, I am not sure if I keep at this rehab because of optimism or anger or just plain old stubborness. In any case, I don't give up easily or quickly.

Posting here about my progress is one way of getting back at the doctors and drug companies for messing up, even ruining our lives.

I am really pleased every time I assist someone in quitting the statin drug they were prescribed. I especially like to do this when the victim's only "sympton" was cholesterol slightly higher than current very low Guidelines.

I am almost as pleased every time I can tell a statin-drug user, or one of their family members, about the nasty side of all statins and refer them to this and other Internet sites.

IF each of us can assist a few others to avoid our fates, and each of them can assist a few others to guit their unnecessary and damaging statin drugs, we can, some day, make a real difference.

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Postby pops » Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:06 pm


You're right! I feel the same way you do. If we can help people not get on this "stuff" from the beginning, we'll be helping much more than trying to help people find a way of healing after the fact.

There are probably dozens of people who know me personally who will never use a statin. Not because I deliberately talked them out of it, but because they've heard my story. All of it fact.

The bottom line is that anyone who is in good health and has reasonable cholesterol numbers - as mine were - and allows their doctor to put them on a statin, is asking for trouble. You and I both know that the alleged benefit is not worth the risk. We found out the hard way. Hopefully others won't have to.

Have a great day. I think what we're doing here is for the good of everyone.

Posts: 88
Joined: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:11 pm

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