How many developed cancer after taking Statin Drugs & ki

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

How many developed cancer after taking Statin Drugs & ki

Postby vicki » Fri Nov 12, 2010 7:36 pm

I developed Chronic lymphocytic leukemia CLL, blood cancer

I believe my CLL was caused by Statins

Article posted on here before that explains why:

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Postby Allen1 » Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:12 am

Hi there Vikki,

thanks for pointing out what CLL is, I had seen it in your other posts but didn't know what it was (Chronic lymphocytic leukemia). I really don't know what to say other than I hope it can be successfully treated and you get back some of your health. It is more than bad enough having the majority of problems with statins without being faced with something like CLL.

On another note, I looked at the link in your post and read about the respiratory breathing muscles along with others being weakened, that would probability explain why I often have trouble breathing when I lie down or walk etc, top that off with sleep apnoea and its frightening. Winter weather is happening here and as it gets colder the more my problems seem to be getting worse, even my thinking ability is getting foggy again.

I hope that more people read these posts and stop taking statins before it is too late god only knows that I wish I and everyone else had never taken them, they are simply destroying our bodies and minds as they reduce cholesterol.

All the best,
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Postby vicki » Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:29 am

I too get the breathing problems way back 15 yrs. ago EXTREME THEN AND STILL NOW> I tried to convince my allergy/asthma specialist it was the statins.... of course no way can it be the statiins. Like everything else it is. I went through the breathing problems everyday and hospitalized for weeks at a time. I can hardlly breath still. I found this article, not sure if it is different or not, I don't think so, but just about Statins and Interstitia Lung Disease. What will be next? ... sease.html

I'm wondering what Statins don't cause for some people, it would be easier to say what they don't cause then what they do cause. The list gets longer and longer.
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Postby Allen1 » Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:11 am

Hi there Vicki,

statins sure have had a life changing effect on many of us, even the ones who say they are ok on them just haven't had the problems activated at the moment, it doesn't mean that later on all hell won't break loose with their health and by then the damage is done.

A year ago (or more), I had an operation on my nose (septum and reducing something ) as I could only breath in on my left nostril and that would also collapse if I sniffed to hard, this was something that I never had problems with beforehand. The operation made a lot of difference to my breathing but the weakness in my chest muscles still make breathing when lying down awkward. The chest muscle problem is not a constant thing, it comes and goes much like a lot of the other problems, when you can't swallow or inhale while trying to get to sleep, it can be very frightening which in turn makes the situation worse.

I have tried a CPAP machine from the hospital before going for the nose operation and it scared the cr*p out of me, I woke up with it going full blast trying to force air into me and I literally panicked, I did try it a couple of times after that but couldn't relax with it after that experience.

How much are these problems down to statins? I don't really know but I expect that at least 95% of the problems were initialised by the damage being caused by the cholesterol reduction and the method in which the statins do the reduction and also cut the production of other necessary products from that point on. There is also the reduction of Cholesterol in the brain that concerns me a lot as it has had and still has a profound affect on me personally.

Wow, this was going to be a short note :lol: I will leave it for now before it turns into a book :wink:

All the best,
Allen :)
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Postby vicki » Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:18 am

Allen: I can't believe the things people mention on here, they all sound like me. I was on other forums 13 yrs. ago when I was looking for help from all the damage. Somehow some of the other large forums have disapearred. I too have the sinus problems, every night my nose, I can't breath out of. Once I get up I can breath out of it again. Must be the Statins cuz I developed it after less then one yr. on Statins. My cancer doctor told me to use a Neti Pod (sold at Walmart pharmacy) because I keep getting nasal infections and lung infections. The breathing problems, I am on Advair, Singular, a Nebalizer and Claritan. When I can't breath hardly at all or lung infection they give me a Kenelog shot and put me on an 6 pill antibiotic and prednisone taper starting at 50mg and taper down 5 each time. I just can't hardly walk and breath anymore. I asked to be sent to a heart doctor...dr.'s say it isn't my heart, I believe it is too. I had the terrible heart palputations and heart tests yrs. ago, nothing showed up. My blood pressure got higher on Statins now to the point of 180 /120 then drops down to 110/75, then back up and down up and down. I also develped type 2 diabeties, my past dr. reports showed how my glucose level went up up up on statins. I KNOW IT WAS AND IS STILL THE STATINS THAT CASUED ALL OF THIS. Yes I have CLL, nerve damage, muscle wasting, sinus problems......... Take care hopefully we all get through this. Anyone else get cancer?
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Postby lars999 » Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:46 pm


We found a workable substitute for the CPAP device (aka CRAP machine, as I sometimes hear it called). A ceiling fan. We discovered this quite by accident this summer when my partner would turn on the ceiling fan to sleep easier and find that I ceased snoring. Once clued in, I found that I too slept better with ceiling fan on, in part because I was no longer awakening myself by snoring, gasping.

I started noticing the "failure to breathe" situation at various times years before I started taking Lipitor. I noticed this first when I went from near sea level, where I lived then, to hikes at 9.000-12.000 feet. We would stop for rest and once I caught my breath, my breathing would greatly slow down, causing me to nearly faint, until I learned to continue breathing as strongly as needed. I still have this need to deliberately breathe more actively at times, sometimes this occurs at unexpected moments, other times after strong aerobic activity. It remains a mystery to me.

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Postby Allen1 » Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:46 am

Hi there Vicki,

I know what happens to me can be terrifying, I can't imagine how you must feel when things go so very wrong and you need medication to assist you like that. There are times when I have had to get up and go outside in the cool night air and walk a little to help when I have been having problems, sometimes I have found that a few whiskeys help to calm the situation although it isn't recommended too often, other times listening to the radio helps to take my mind off what's happening enough to let things settle down. Things like that would only work on your milder episodes if at all, I only know from my experiences that the more I worry about it, the longer it seems to last hence the radio etc for distraction.

After the nose operation, we were recommended to use a Neti pot to wash away any debris ie blood etc, I couldn't do it and felt like I was suffocating when I attempted it. Brian Clark who is also a member here had the same operation and absolutely swears about the benefits of using the Neti pot, I used wet cotton buds and gently removed the dried blood etc instead.

Lars mentions in his post about using a ceiling fan to aid in breathing, I know that it sounds dubious but it does help, I have a big desk fan and used it in the summer to cool me down, it was aimed at my upper body and head and some of those nights were the best I have had sleep-wise for a very long time. The downside of that is if I used it at this time of year, I would end up with icicles hanging off my nose :lol:

What you mention about your heart symptoms is similar to my own. I had a heart attack over 15 years ago (the sleep apnoea seemed to start a few months before that but probably not connected). Any way some time after the heart attack I was put onto the wonder drug we know as statins :shock:

I never did feel too clever just prior to the MI and after but just assumed it was the way my life would be from now on. As time did go on I seemed to be getting weaker and as you mentioned strong palpitations followed later with memory problems. Would the doctors or anyone believe me? No way!

Things got worse as time went by and 8 years after the heart attack and many doctors visits it was found that I needed triple bypass. Unfortunately a few of months before the surgery, my statin dose was increased and all my symptoms were exasperated, this was thought to be due to the need of the op. The operation was a success, the only problem was I was not getting any better, I should have been pretty lively but felt more like pretty dead as all my symptoms were still getting worse.

If it hadn't of been for my CK levels being high and me being taken off statins for a few months to see it things retuned to normal levels, I doubt if my ability to goolgle statin side effects would have been possible, I was mentally unable to do 90% of anything I had done for years including my job. That is when I found the horror stories about statins and the "my God what the hell have we let ourselves get into" which is the polite version of what I said.

Back on topic:-

The palpitations and general weakness you feel around the heart area is something that I also have experienced, I have been off statins for 3 1/2 years now and the palpitations are not as strong or as frequent as they were but the weakness you feel is still happening to me. The reason why I wrote so much about the op etc is to show you that even when someone like myself has had surgery to in this case Bypass the problem, those problems can still be there because of the statin damage done to our bodies and probably as David Staup and many others have mentioned, the damage in our mitochondrial DNA.

I too have had many tests since the bypass surgery, MRI's treadmill, 24 and 48 hour heart monitors and radioactive dye tests where you lie down and 3 cameras slowly rotate around you taking images of the heart, one under stress and the next time without stress. I don't think they showed anything to explain the symptoms

With our problems coming and going, it is hard to actually show a doctor the problem, as mentioned by others in various threads/posts, our bodies seem to starved of various nutrients for want of a better description and tries to use what it has in the places that needs it the most at that time. That would explain why we get so many problems in different areas that seem unrelated at times as in that area is short of energy etc. Add that to any mitochondrial damage and its pot luck at what will be the next symptom to re-appear. Thankfully the use of supplements can help to a degree but it is as we all know by no means a cure.

The short version of the above is that when you are experiencing the heart problems, you are probably having what would or should have been supplied to it ie energy etc being diverted elsewhere, I think this also applies to my breathing problems as I would think that the symptoms would be more permanent instead of coming and going.

There is no guarantee about the cause of the heart problems being what I think, I would still see a doctor to check for the likes of narrowing of the Arteries, this at least would give you peace of mind if nothing else.

I also agree with you about the statins, there are far too many problems that have occurred to many of us that would have had very little chance of happening to so many people in the real world if statins were not present.

All the best,
Allen :)
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Postby Allen1 » Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:36 am

Hi there Lars,

I'm all wrote out now :lol:

I agree with you about the fan effect and the need to both remember to breath and to draw deep breaths when doing things but my daytime problems started after statin therapy. I have an electric bike and it does 95% of the work but by the time I get off it 5 minutes later at the shops, I spend another 5 minutes puffing and panting!.

I used to cycle to work for over 18 1/2 years and cycled for years beforehand, even after my heart attack I managed to use an ordinary mountain bike to get to work, although not as fast as I used to. Then enter the statins and the downhill spiral thereafter.

I think breathing is supposed to be an automatic response, in the same as your heart beats without having to think of it. Along the way somehow that automatic response has been compromised.

So much for the saying “What doesn't kill you makes you strongerâ€
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Postby vicki » Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:17 pm

I know I shouldn't probably be taking about this but I am going to. I am so upset, like the rest of us about all the damage we have gotten from Statins and the way our doctors kept telling us we needed to be on this wonder drug, you will have a heart attach if not on........... Well once again I pulled out all my medical records, 5 inches thick at least, I know I can prove my doctor was negligent, I want to go to a lawyer and file a malpractive suit against him. I paid him good money and if he would have just looked back a little at my medical records, he would of known it was the Statins I wouldn't be going through 15 years of pure hell. We aren't doctors and we figured it out by ourselves, why pay them to harm us. They owe us our money back and more.

My doctor told me any cramping muscles, pain anything tell me, I did, he said oh couldn't be the statins. It was obvious from my medical records. My CLL is obvious it started wwll I was on Lipitor back in 2001. I'm just glad my cancer seems to be a slow growing one, although it can change very fast.

Anyone else thinking about doing this or am I way off base? I am mad and I want some of my thousands of dollars back, for all the bills, pain and suffering, mental stress and for most of us it will never end.
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:47 pm

Vicki- I don't have any cancer that I am aware of but I can tell you this, all colon tests came up clean until I was on statins. I had the last clean one and was put on statins, at the next 5 year colonscopy they found 5 precancerous polyps and that stunned me. At first I thought the doctor had just mislabled or perhaps the lab made a mistake because nothing had changed.....EXCEPT that I was 5 years into statin drugs.. Right after that, I got off of statins.... the 3rd year check showed I only had one very small benign polyp.

Here we are now 2 years after that and while trying to find the reason for my very bad vertigo, the MRI found I have a meningioma tumor. Rather or not that is statin related I have no idea but I am convienced that it caused those polyps.

I did go have my blood work done recently just tying to see if perhaps something was off in my blood that was causing my dizzy/balance problems and my total cholesterol was 257 but I had purposely been eating stuff, trying to get that up, thinking that could help my situation. Well..... The nurse call with the results and said the doctor had written me a Rx for Lipitor and I could come back and get it anytime.. I told her #1- I knew it was up, I wanted it up and all I had to do was to stop what I was doing and it would come down...# 2- What was he thinking, KNOWING I can't take that.. I thanked her, told her I would take care of it myself and hung up... LOL! The next day she called me back, said since I can't take statins, he wrote me a Rx for Zetia and I could come pick that up anytime.. I repeted the same coversation to her that I had the day before and hung up.. Geesh! He KNOWS I can get it down WHEN I WANT TO!! What part of that don't he understand????
Cat Mom2
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Postby vicki » Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:02 am

I get vertigo also from statins, still do after yrs of being off them. Now I'm not sure if the cancer or statins, I'm sure both now
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Postby BDavis » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:55 am

I don't have cancer that I know of but do believe it is one of the inevitable side effects. As I understand it the lack of CoQ10, which the Statins removed, allows for "free radical excess to mutate our mitochondria", as said by Dr.Graveline.

I started taking Alpha_Lipoic Acid 100mg x2day to help with the fight of free radicals, I'm scared to death that all this suffering from the Statins, (pain, weakness, heart failure, SOB, memory loss) will end with cancer.

I'm sorry you are dealing with CLL. I wish with all my heart that I could turn back time and redeem us all from this hell we now live. Worst is the fact that our suffering and out cries are ignored by those that could help. That there is no stopping the Statin mills and more will fall victim to the poison.

God bless us all,
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Postby vicki » Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:09 am

Thank you BeLinda.

I am just amazed at all the damage a little pill can and has caused. I wish I could turn back the clock and never have taken Statins, as I'm sure we all wish. Most doctors still, dispite all my medical records and all the complaints from others, don't believe anything we say. We know our bodies better then doctors, they just won't pay any attention.

I just received my bill from the cartiologist I went to, office call only, 10 mins. (I watched the clock) $401.00. This cardiologist, said he has NEVER heard of anyone having anything from statins but minor pain and it goes away. He said "Statins do nothing but good" Wonder what will happen to others down the road.

My medical bills for this last year for all this damage was over $17,000. Thank You STATINS.
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Postby BDavis » Sat Dec 25, 2010 12:01 pm

I know just what you mean about the doctors and the wasted money.
The doctors are in a hard spot because if they dare agree they'd be complacent in the crime that has been committed on so many of us.

I can no longer work and have thought about disability but first you have to get a doctor to agree you have a problem that isn't related to aging, stress, now menopause and what ever else you have a tendency for. To sue you'd have to have the same, a doctors agreement to what has happen and why. Not going to happen. So where does that leave us; mostly alone and misunderstood.

I'm still young and people expect me to do the things a 53 year old can still do. It's hard to explain my condition when some days I have energy and some days I can't get off the couch. On the good days I feel like I could go back to working, then I do a few things around the house and I'm down for the count, for two days. I'm not a reliable person any more.

My commitment for the new year is to research and purchase the best supplements I can get. I don't go to any doctors if I can possibly help it so the money I save can now be spent on good CoQ10. We'll see if it helps.

Good luck to you, may we all have a healthier New Year.
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Postby David Staup » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:29 am


two things you can try,

First take the following to your doctor and demand the two day test (see paragraphs after this heading "Review of the “Two-day Exercise Testâ€
David Staup
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Postby BDavis » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:50 am

Thanks David, I will look at this and write if I need more of your help.
Thanks again.
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Postby vicki » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:41 pm

well before I said I got CLL, cancer from statins, now i have Invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer too. When will all my medical problems end from good old Statin drugs? What next. Surgery this coming Thurs. July 5.
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Postby Allen1 » Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:44 am

Hi there Vicki,

and I thought that I was going through a bad time with cellulitus in my left leg and some other very strong pain in the right leg but compared to what you are going through, its not that serious in comparison.

I wish you all the best with the operation and follow on treatment, no-one deserves to have to go through things like that, especially after enduring all the problems that Statins have already caused.

Once again, Good luck with the operation and my heart goes out to you,

Allen X
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Postby BDavis » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:41 am

I'm so sorry that you are going through so much. I know it can really wear on your spirit, but please know we all care about you and I will pray for you.
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