by lars999 » Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:31 am
I had most swelling in right calf and ankle and foot, with much less in left, while on Lipitor. I also had dry, flaky skin in these areas and large loss of feeling and sensitive soles of feet (made walking painful, especially barefoot). One can start to suspect diabetic condition, which was not supported by blood test results, or falling arch in right foot (which had been previous condition, but fixed). All this largely but not completely went away shortly after I quit Lipitor, but then I got pains severe enough in right calf to limit my walking to about 200 meters before I had to use a cane to walk another 200 meters, then it was sit down for 15 minites or so.
Went to cardiologist as quickest way to get some objective measurements of what was going on. Cardiologist thought pain in right calf was because of deep thrombosis (blood clot -- rather serious condition), I thought it was residual muscle problem from Lipitor. A leg study was done -- this consisted of a series of blood pressure cuff measurements from crouch to big toe on both legs and a series of ultrasound doppler measurements on femoral artery in both upper legs and of subsequent arteries in calf muscles and ankel of both legs. Result was no thrombosis (blood clot) and very mild plaque in only one area of arteries in both calves (near where arteries branched, a very common place for this to happen) and excellent blood flow and pressures everywhere. Cardiologist was surprised, I was quite pleased.
I also requested and received CD with all the untrasound doppler data and did my own analysis, conferming that my leg arteries are in excellent conditions. I also came to suspect that the report of "very mild plaque" is as much a CYA as an actual observation.
After weeks and weeks on treadmill daily, I still have some muscles in right calf especially that put end to using treadmill each day. Slowly, these have decreased in number and now are only a few more complaining small muscles than in left calf. The remaining small muscles in right calf that pain me, but not same small muscles as in left, are where I consider that I have remaining residual muscle pain from Lipitor.
About a month after leg study, I had full treadmill cardio stress test and passed easily, up to 105% of my age-related heart rate (160 beats per minute). Cardiologist was surprised. I was very pleased.
Cardiologist congratulated me on excellent recovery -- I had strong symptoms of congestive heart failure before I finally hurt so much I quit Lipitor. However, my capacity for physical endurance activities remains quite less than just two years ago, about 1/2 or so. This may be as much because of age-related decreases in aerobic capacity as Liptor caused. However, only now, 6-months later, this past week am I able to get my physical strength up to lower end of my performance only 2 years ago.
I am someone that has been doing strength and aerobic workouts for decades, so have excellent understanding of my performance over these decades. Still, I am shocked at how much Lipitor dragged me down and how much the symptoms mimiced those of common ailments.
I am really glad that I relied on Drs. Duane Graveline, Uffe Ravenskov, Beatrice Golumb, and others (this board, especially) for understanding of what was happening to me, NOT on my General Practioner or the Cardiologist -- both were/are quite wrong/limited in their understanding and knowledge of statin adverse effects, and both are strong proponents of Lipitor and other statin drugs. They prescribe statins even for folks that have only slightly eleveted cholesterol, based on latest, drastically and dangerously lowered guidelines for cholesterol!! They both know I hold a VERY LOW opinion of that practice. I fired the GP for ignorance and will only use the Cardiologist as easy means of obtaining any additional objective tests I might consider needed.