by lars999 » Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:07 am
Hello Wonga,
Many/most of us that have become severe victims of statin drugs really do not care what our cholesterol or lipoprotein levels are, at least not as regards cardiovascular issues. What we care about is what actually causes a particular class of plaque deposits -- those that actually grow to extent that they do clog arteries and, even worse, those plaque "boils" that rupture and lead to blood clots and heart attacks caused by rapidly plugged arteries.
With a doctor so ignorant as not to know that brain is full of cholesterol and other biochemicals derived from it, all required for proper function of brain, probably also does not know that plaques of all types from because of damage to inner lining of arteries. Plaque is really nature's bandaid for damaged areas in arteries, least the damage lead to leaky artery. This damage happens almost exclusively to arteries, not veins, even though both are identical in structure and composition. Basic reason is simple, arteries are subject to large pressure pulses 60-150 times per minute, all your life. Veins only see steady, low pressures. Flex artery wall enough cycles and they need some proper repair with collagen fibers (made from cholesterol). IF that repair does not happen, or if there are chemical insults to artery walls (say by homocysteine) then the body must resort to more primative methods, i.e., plaque (hopefully, only the thin, firm fiberous type (half-ass bandaids).
Here is something I wrote in another thread -- it gives a short glimpse into the three major, solidly based theories of cardivascular disease.
Your doctor may only have heard of the simplistic and erronious "cholesterol hypothesis", with its stubborn insistance that cholesterol is really bad and people need statins to lower cholesterol, etc., etc.
I applaud your question "what would you take to make sure your arteries don't clog again?" I am pursuing same issue, only that mine have very little or no plaque and never did, at least based on all measurements made thus far.
At moment I am "playing the field", following Linus Pauling's approach of using large amounts (read his and Rauth's Unified Theory Of Cardiovascular Disease), Kilmer McCully's Homocysteine Theory, and the current developing ideas about inflammation in artery walls, oxidation/inflammation of lipoproteins, etc. as the initiator of damage to arterial walls, which our bodies try to "bandaid" crudely with "plaque".
The whole cholesterol BS/CON/SCAM (pick you favoriate noun!) does not figure into my readings and attempts to understand (as you might expect from a fellow victim of statins).
As regards fats, I agree with you about transfats, at least those created by adding hydrogen molecules to unsaturated fats. Re naturally saturated fats, NOT oxidized by exposure to O2 at high temps, I find Uffe Ravenskov's treatise on fats and cholesterol (Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Are GOOD For You!!) on solid scientific footing -- recommend reading it. SO much really bad information out there about fats, especially from vegans, vegitarians and the big drug, processed food industries and their lacky nutrition experts and doctors. IF not for all that really bad information, there we would not be statin victims.