I am 63 years old & have been on statins since I was about 45. Lipitor first which elevated my liver profiles so I was taken off of. Next Simvistatin for years which was 3 years ago found to have really elevated my liver profiles - I was taken off & the liver settled down. This was discovered when I went in for an extreme burning skin sensation - worse at night - along with extreme muscle cramps spasms & pain to the point I was investegated for MS & other neuropathies but my blood results came back negative. My cholesterol elevated greatly & I was put on Crestor. My liver profiles again started to elevate. At the same time I was on Crestor my burning skin muscle issues also increased greatly. I was taken of Crestor while they figure out what to do & after 2 months of no statins the muscle issues have diminshed back to the pre Crestor level.
After reading the literaure given out by the Pharmacy I asked if my problems could be statin related but was told no because I was only on 5 mg of each drug. In the beginning I was told the Lipitor & Simvistatin could not be the cause of my liver profile elevation but much to my GP's surprise it has been concluded that my low dose although rare could elevate my profiles.
After reading this site does anyone think my burning/spasms/muscle issues could possibly be related to long term use of statins as opposed to dose?
I am not an individual who routinely seeks a doctors attention & have been seen by an allergist, neurologist & dermatologist. My GP has said he believes I have a problem he just can not figure out what yet. Because it has progressed over the 3 years & skyrocketed with the Crestor I wondered if it is something that is now permanent but lessened if not on a statin?
Thank you