Hi its been quite a long time since i posted although i come and browse often. my name is brad aged 47 Adelaide Australia, i have written my sory before but will give a quick rundown. Took simvastatin for 3 years, pain episodes over this time but never linked to statins!! terrible pain after 3 years in legs arms neck chest, i quit the statins in sep 2008 i am still in pain most days and exercise intolerant. i would like to just share in what i have been up to .
I have searched the Australian medical Journal and been in touch with the Australian medical Asosc. Their stand on statins are all glowingly positive (all reports in the Australian medical journal seem to be positive and in the disclaimer area they have been supported payed for by pharmacutical companies. (merck sharpe and Dhome) In yet searching the australian theraputic goods i find that there has been over 5800 reported cases of negative side affects from statin use!!As you can probably guess from this accordingly most doctors and specialists i have come into contact with are very reluctant to admitt that the statins cause this much pain and disability and they clutch at msidiagnosis such as fibromalgia, arthritis chronic fatigue to name a few. I incidently wrote to every member on the board of teh AMA and have never recieved a reply. I also wrote to the minister for health both state and federal and their oppositions. alos little action but at least a couple of replys that they would look into it.
I would like to know of any other statin victims here in australia so as we can share details and meybe work together to achieve recognition, perhaps rehinbursment, and to help warn others of te very real danger, please feel free to message me back in this forum or directly at bradankor@hotmail.com thankyou for taking the time to read this and i hope 2011 to be a better one for all of us