N ew reporting site for Statin A.E.'s

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N ew reporting site for Statin A.E.'s

Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:54 pm

Patients Can Report Statins’ Adverse Effects On A New, Dedicated Node At UC San Diego's Statin Study Website:


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Postby BDavis » Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:07 am

Thanks for the link for the survey. I found it very interesting. I had just recently requested my medical records from the doctor that had treated or I should say mistreated me with Lipitor. I had not yet reviewed them to any length. To answer the questions on the survey I look for dosages of Lipitor and dates. Well, what I found was that the doctor had either deleted the most recent year and a half of dosage of Lipitor or the pharmacy gave me the wrong dosage. What I found was a mention that I had stopped my Lipitor due to an elevated ALT on my blood work and she reassured me not to worry and was starting me back at a dosage of 5mg. The rest of the record going forward from that date never mentions me being on Lipitor again. It listed frequently my other meds but not the Lipitor.
I knew this was wrong so I pulled out my old tax records with the prescription receipts which had the dosages. I was on 40mg of Lipitor for 1 1/2 years. No wonder I fell victim to its poison.
Infesting too is that on the cover page of the records it states my allergy which includes LIPITOR.

I also found interesting about the survey that the questions of symptoms included things like tremors and abdominal pain, which I have but didn't know the world knew it was related to the poisoning.

Thanks BeLinda
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Postby lars999 » Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:40 am


I too recently requested complete medical records from the doctor that prescribed Lipitor. There are a few useful pages in the two cm stack of pages, but mostly they are pretty useless. For the things I was most interested in they are of minimal value. Reminds me of the ancient defense "but there are no informations about that". Unfortunately, shoddy and incomplete records are an effective CYA method.

As regards "unstated adverse effects of Lipitor", I have frequently been surprised by the bothersome health issues that have gone away or are decreasing since I quit Lipitor. These have been things not clearly mentioned or mentioned at all in listings of adverse side effects. Balance has been the most obvious one, prmarily with weight on right leg, with various dermitological issues, especially on feet and ankles (I now have much nicer skin everywhere), "acid reflux" is another, tremors in hands is another, then there hare the various "cognitive" affects/abilities that have improved surprizingly many months after quitting Lipitor. What a "Broad Spectrum Bad New" drug!!

I now list Lipitor and all statins first on my personal list of drugs that I am "allergic" to. That always gets a reaction from medical folks. Yours is first instance I have heard of where doctor placed Lipitor on "allergy list".

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Postby BDavis » Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:12 pm

I too have the symptoms you mentioned except dermatological. The balancing thing is really embarrassing. I walk like I'm drunk and since I do drink in the evenings I think my husband thinks I'm drunk when I'm not LOL. I see old people wobble around and since this condition resembles old age it's not surprising.
In reference to my doctor putting Lipitor on my allergy list, I believe that was her again CYA.
I think it's great that you are finding your symptoms decreasing after getting off Lipitor. Mine did for about 6 months then returned gradually. I have added more and more supplements to help fend off the demons but I'm not sure if I'll ever get better.
If you haven't done the survey yet, you might find it interesting that someone out there cares and knows what we have been going through.
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Postby lars999 » Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:42 pm


Many, maybe all, of my Lipitor-related adverse effects have gone through the same cycle you mention -- first decreasing greatly, sometimes "completely" and then returning after weeks to months, to then gradually decrease again. This has been most obvious with muscle pains and dermatological effects. There has been a LOT of carefully controlled excercises and skiing aimed at regaining as much of pre-Lipitor physical abilities as possible, with lots of success, but still less than 100% (perhaps 60-70% max).

My balance issues are solely with right leg, seen most clearly when downhill skiing and doing various Swedish folk dances that involving 180 degree pivots on each foot, alternatively, also when putting pants on standing up. It also does cause me to sometimes walk in a path resembling a downhill skier making linked turns (maybe my mind thinks I am skiing?).

Today I spent almost three hours on beginner downhill slopes trying to get consistant, uniform linked turns on BOTH feet, with lots of success. BUT, every time I lost full control it was when turning with weight heavily on right leg. Presently, this is keeping me off the steeper intermideate slopes (at least a douzen falls because of right leg last time I tried -- NOT FUN) and not even dreaming about those nice expert slopes I used to ski. I strive to be a "fall-free" skier that is always in 100% control.

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statin damage ignored

Postby condoline » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:24 pm

CHEST X-RAY MAY 3, 1994 in Mpls: Normal heart and lungs. Put on 10 mg Pravachol.
CHEST X-RAY FEB 25 1995 from Maui Memorial: “There are minimal linear parenchymal densities diffusely throughout both lungs which from the radiographic appearance are more likely fibrosis than an acute interstitial infiltrate. There is an ill-defined area of increased density superimposed upon and obscuring the superior right hilum and the medial aspect of the mediastinum, which in vew of the interstitial changes throughout the lungs may only be a focal area of fibrosis but either a superimposed acute infiltrate or an infiltrative neoplasm would have to be excluded. Comparison with old films of the chest is suggested for further evaluation. No other abnormalities are seen.” Too bad the nurses in ER just casually said I had “scarring.” At least I quit Pravachol shortly thereafter: decided being in a group with “risk factors” for arteriosclerosis or whatever wasn’t sufficient justification for taking pills.
CHEST X-RAY July 2011 at Mayo Clinic after being put on 10 mg Simvastatin for one year: new infiltrates, smaller chest volume, possible bronchiectasis.
Doctors decided that I am “statin intolerant.” Well, I dare say! After I quit cold turkey on May 18 and then starting June 10 got hit by all manner of wild arrhythmias for nearly a month, three bouts of tachycardia in one week (never had any of this before), extreme leg cramps every night that same week starting June 10 and an exacerbation of the neuropathy that I could swear started with the 1994 Pravachol experience – plus in July finding out that my lung condition got worse with the Simvastatin – I would have to agree with you that statins are dangerous.
My take on the matter is that any doctor who prescribes statins to a patient is playing Russian Roulette with that person’s health if not with his very life. I should know: I drew the chamber with the bullet in it.
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