by pops » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:02 pm
This is one of those yin and yang things.
Yang: statins cause terrible side-effects. They did in my body.
Yin: statins sometimes save lives and/or allow people to live longer than they would have.
Discussion: statins suppress the production of dolichols and coenzyme q 10. Both of those substances are required for the health of many organs, including brain, heart, muscle and connective tissue. Cholesterol is also necessary for the health of those organs and body parts.
Well and good.
The crud that coats arteries as people age is composed mostly of oxidized LDL. So "conventional wisdom" dictates that if you lower LDL there will be less of it around to oxidize and coat arteries. That makes sense. Except it doesn't work. In studies where only a drug that lowers LDL was used, there was no effect on the rate of heart disease in those taking the active drug rather than placebo.
So science attempted to say it was because HDL also has to be raised; HDL is the alleged good cholesterol which sweeps out the malicious LDL from artery walls. But a recent double-blind seems to have refuted that, and HDL gets a black mark because raising it didn't work in the prevention of heart disease.
Okay, maybe it's CRP (No, not that other word that you say when you hit your thumb with a hammer, but C-reactive protein). That's an inflammatory molecule, and statins lower those. Maybe, if statins really do have an effect, it's because they lower CRP.
But so does exercise, vitamin C and vitamin E. And fiber.
So where are we?
I think we're nowhere. Statins seem to work in some, but they also have deleterious side-effects. Giving them to healthy people is extremely questionable, in my humble opinion, because if you cause so much pain that the patient can no longer exercise, you have increased, not decreased their risk of heart attack. After all, it is claimed that exercise is important for the prevention of heart disease.
The answers might be something like this:
- give statins to only those who have either already had a heart attack or those who are at extremely high risk of having a heart attack.
- do not give statins to healthy people with only a moderate or low risk of heart attack: the risk benefit ratio would be predictably bad. Most especially do not give statins to people who live an athletic lifestyle because their risk of muscle pain - sometimes long lasting muscle pain - is much higher than that of the general population.
- never, ever give statins to children. If you hate them, give them up for adoption.
- do not give statins to the aged. It not only does not decrease their risk of heart disease, but the risk of side-effects is substantially higher for them.
- do not give statins out like candy. These are drugs, not breath mints.
- enough with the statin commercials every ten minutes on TV. We know they want to make money. We know they want us to beg our doctors for their "stuff" to increase their bottom line and make their investors happy. No one is fooled about their true intentions. Get real.
Of course everything I said here will make no difference whatsoever. No one listens. No one important, that is. And the people who are important are probably taking wads of cash to look the other way.
'nuff said. Let the consumer beware. Have a nice day, if you want to.
To all those who are hurting: I sincerely hope you heal quickly.