by lars999 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:16 pm
Been absent for some years, really enjoying being off Lipitor. Over past decade plus there have been some bothersom decreases in my ability to crosscountry ski at altitudes of 9.000 to11.000 feet. Each decrease took me down another serious step, bringing me down to 1,5 hours per day in December 2015 -- BUMMER when it used to be 4+ hours. Then a few weeks ago I had a heartattack start. Fortunately, it was very obvious to me what was happening, so, immediate 911 call, EMTs stabilized my heart attack, trip to emergency room and on to Catheration Ops where 4 stents were placed in one heart artery. 10 years or so seems to be a common time frame for such plaque boils/lumps to develop to point of causing heart attacks by extensive, perhaps total blockage of cornary arteries.
Following day an ultrasound movie was made of my heart, with result that ejection fraction of left ventricle was found to be 65%, where 70% is considered a high value. Even better news was that only a few % of heart muscle was damaged -- THANKS!! to speedy EMTs!!!
At 1st immediately post operation meeting with resident cardiologist he asserted that "HE would not be prescribing any statins because I had listed ALL STATINS on my list of medicins I am allergic to. YEA!!
Prior to inplacment of stents, I had heard a "round" of shouts in operation room "NO STATIN!!" because I was allergic to ALL STATINS. It seemed like there were multiple echos, so many voices were repeating that!!! I almost laughed!! I would presume a big dose of statins is SOP -- bummer!!
Reviewing with resident cardiologist my history of step-wise decreases of my aerobic capabilities, based on years of cross country skiing at mountain alltidudes, he attributed at least the recent two decreases to be result of growing plaque boil/lump. The 1st step decrease was after 2-3 years on Lipitor. Second decrease was what terminated my attempts to recover in gym my lost aerobic capabilities. Third decrease was sometime in early 2015. These step-wise decreases were most certainly continuous over time and only appear stepwise because 1 & 3rd were measured during ski season and 2nd happened over about 1 month.
For my own use, and perhaps relevant to others here, are the bothersom observations of health changes preceeding my aborted heart attack.
1) Low energy, really easy to become fatigued during many months.
2) In week or so prior to heart attack I gained at least 8 lbs with no apparent reason. In first 2 weeks after aborted hearth attack I have lost those lbs, without any attempt to do so.
Immediate improvements post HA have been:
1) I stay warmer. Need one less layer of warm clothes inside home at 60-65F, ditto for bedclothes.
2) Distinctly improved balance while walking up or down stairs -- no more need to have 1 or 2 hands on railings.
3) Much decreased blood presssure: 100-115 over 68-75 at rest at home. After brisk 30 min walks, reading of around 100/68 are pretty common. These were my standard reading for decades before Lipitor.
4) No more getting really tired easily.
Beaware of doctors telling you --"Your are getting old, nothing more." These things happened to me between ages of 60 and 75. Doubt I am back to being 60 again, but I sure am not the "wimpy old geezer I was two weeks ago.