Hi there wyldorchid5150
I am pleased that you have found the cause of so many of the problems ie the Statins. Most of the folk on here have had the run around from Doctors who were or still are completely ignorant about the side effects of this poison, please do not allow them to bully you into taking any more Statins.
As for cholesterol levels rising when someone stops taking a Statin, it is just one of the things that happen to some people, in due course the levels generally come back to a proper normal value. Most Doctors will expect a couple of weeks or months off a medication will allow your body to normalise itself and if things didn't improve, they will pop you back on to the damn things and increase the likelihood of making you even worse (it often takes a lot longer than a couple of months).
I know a fair bit about your problem and how it can effect you ie heart attack and memory problems and weakness etc, hopefully once you definitely stop taking the Statins, you will start to improve. The improving can take a very long time to be noticeable, its over three years since I stopped my poison and although I still get tired both physically and mentally fairly quick, I can now remember some of the things I used to forget all the time which included close family members names.
If you are not already taking supplements like Co-enzyme Q10 and Acetyl L-Carnitine, vitamin B etc, I would recommend that you start as they do help with our problems.
I will stop here and let others fill in the gaps as each of us have our own experiences with this poison.
All the best,