It's been 2 years and 1 month since I stopped taking lovastatin. I took it for 33 days, during which time I went from an athlete to being nearly crippled.
I have since learned a lot about these drugs.
Statins seem to benefit some people. Those who have had a heart attack or stroke, or those who have proven atherosclerosis might have better life expectancy if they take statins. Some of my deceased friends might be alive had they taken them.
On the other hand, many, like myself, can't tolerate statins, and in those people statins should never be used as "primary prevention." Unfortunately doctors don't know who those people are until they try statins on them.
For people without heart disease who don't have proven atherosclerosis, it might be prudent to use diet and exercise as a preventative, and forgo the cholesterol medication. In these cases statins might very well cause more harm than good. For me, after taking lovastatin, I had pain, inability to exercise, and weight gain. This did not, I feel, lessen my risk of cardiovascular disease; in fact, this may very well have increased my risk of cardiovascular disease. And it certainly did not improve the quality of my life.
Because (I believe) the patent on virtually all statin drugs have expired, they aren't pushing them in commercials on TV like they used to. I assume they are also not pushing them to doctors.
I noted there was an article in the New England Journal of Medicine a few months back that stated that muscle pain as a side effect of statins is actually about 20%, contradicting the outcome of many statin studies. And the reason the NEJM stated for this discrepancy was that in studies people who may have adverse reactions to statins are rejected so as not to cause harm, whereas in clinical practice many more people are prescribed these drugs than would be in studies.
No one knows what percentage of that 20% will wind up with permanent pain as a result of taking statins.
Once more, I question the wisdom of giving statins to patients without known heart disease and/or atherosclerosis.
I hope you all are doing well. May your pain diminish or go away.