[quote="David Staup"]OK the magnesium and benadryl together are, I suspect, a key.
"2. These compounds also inhibit the reversal of swelling induced by ATP and Mg2+ or Mn2+."
in the abstract here:
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar ... 0261904498
probably explains the mechanism, but that's just my guess.
I'll be very interested in your doctors response....If I'm reading your situation correctly he's likely to say go for it......
The response: no issue with benadryl, except perhaps the drowsiness it would cause, i.e. driving etc. I do have an issue with drowsiness when I take 50mg or more of benadryl. Obviously very low dose would be the answer. Haven't started yet, I am very cautious about things.
BTW, where do you get liquid form of benadryl, is it in capsules or gel caps?
Overall the Dr. had no issue with taking the suggested supplements now that I am past chemo for several month. If it makes me feel better, go for it. He continued the magnesium. Can you explain the difference between taking Mag Dioxide and Mag Citrate?
I am sorry I forgot to ask about contraindication with other cancers. Will ask when I go back next time in two month. Sorry.
The PET was good, no evidence of active cancer, still in remission. Best news, four month now.