A forum to discuss diet and dietary supplements.


Postby maule5662h » Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:53 am

THE BLUE ZONES FOR LONG LIFE - *http://www.bluezones.com/

The goal is to die young --> as old as possible.

- - - - - - -
5. Plant Slant --> MOVED TO THE TOP BY K.
Eat mostly a plant-based diet heavy on beans, nuts and green plants. Eat meat in small portions (the size of a deck of cards) fewer than twice weekly.
- - - - - -
1. Move Naturally
Americans burn fewer than 100 calories a day engaged in "exercise". We can get more physical activity naturally if we live in walkable communities, de-convenience our homes by getting rid of power tools and grow gardens. Walking is the best activity for longevity.

2. Know your Purpose
People who know why they wake up in the morning live up to seven years longer than those who don't. Know your values, passions and talents-and how to share them on a regular basis.

3. Down Shift
Chronic inflammation caused by stress is related to every major, age-related disease. To reverse inflammation, find time each day to meditate, nap, pray or enjoy a happy hour.

4. 80% Rule
Cut 20% of your calories with evidence based practices: eat a big breakfast, eat with your family, remove the TV from your dining area and say pre-meal expressions of appreciation.


6. Wine at 5
Drinkers out-live non-drinkers. Two glasses of wine daily will add years to your life, especially when consumed during a plant-based meal.

7. Family First
Living in a thriving family is worth a half a dozen extra years of life expectancy. Invest time in your kids, nurture a monogamous relationship and keep your aging parents nearby.

8. Belong
Recommit, reconnect or explore a new faith-based community. It doesn't matter if you're Christian, Jewish, Muslim or Buddhist. People who show up to their faith community four times a month live an extra 4-14 years.

9. Right Tribe
Your friends have a long-term and measure (MAJOR? K.) impact on your health and longevity. Taking stock in who your friends are and expanding your social circle to include healthy-minded, supportive people might be the most powerful thing you can do to add years to your life.
Three of the long-living zones were compared
- - - - LOMA LINDA CA - - - - SARDINIA, ITALY - - - - OKINAWA, JAPAN - - - -

L: Loma Linda - Adventists --> Healthy social circle - - - Eat nuts

S: Sardina - Mediterranean Diet --> Fava beans - - - High polyphenol wine

O: Okinawa --> No "time urgency" - - - Likeability - - - Tumeric

L & S: Whole grains - - - Culturally isolated

L & O: High soy consumption - - - No alcohol - - - Faith

S & O: Empowered women - - - Sunshine - - - Gardening

L & S & O: Family - - - No smoking - - - PLANT-BASED DIET - - - Constant moderate physical exercise - - - Social engagement - - - Legumes


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NUTRITION: Nobel Prize for Dr. Campbell! (Recommendation)

Postby maule5662h » Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:32 pm

NUTRITION: Nobel Prize for Dr. Campbell! (Recommendation)
Oct 31, 2011 9:43:11 AM PDT

William J. Kleinbauer says:

Great recommendation: NOBEL PRIZE FOR DR. CAMPBELL!

Go to — J. Morris Hicks at —>
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Get Esselstyn DVD Seminar "Reverse Heart Disease"

Postby maule5662h » Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:44 pm


Do buy Dr. Esselstyn's new DVD seminar! I screened it for my "Healthy Lifestyle Education" participants last night and it is a big hit! To heal the cells that are lining our arteries -- do go plant-strong, and most important "Eat your greens" with every meal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO OILS except in the plants, and NO NUTS - TOO MUCH FAT, ETC!

Read more about the seminar by the "Healthy Librarian" posts at *http://www.happyhealthylonglife.com/

For the Atkins followers (mis-led souls that they are), just try to learn more from Dr. Esselstyn. He, like Dr. Campbell, is an exceptional achiever for his whole life and can be trusted. "Ess" has led over two-hundred seriously-damaged heart patients back to healthy lives OVER THE LAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS! You need to assume that we are all with damaged blood circulation systems by the toxic diets that we all have consumed for most of our lives -- we already have heart disease and some of the other diseases that are associated with poor circulation from bad nutrition.
- - - - - - - - - -
Hey -- a good rain right now in Orcutt (Santa Maria) CA! The water-starved hillside plants are coming back to life for the winter season!
- - - - - - - - - -

Go there and watch Ess's lectures! You owe it to your brain to pay attention and get even healthier by going to the optimal nutrition for best human health -- a Plant-Based, Whole-Foods nutrition centered on green leafy vegetables and starches (for enough calories and the best food for the brain!), some fruit if not on a maximum weight loss pursuit, and no processed oils! Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. McDougall, Dr. Fuhrman all guide people to get healthier this way, chalking up many years of great results.

If you have health problems from some of the plants, find out which are the trouble-makers via the "Elimination Diet" that Dr. McD documents. There is no nutrient that you can not get from plants (except B-12 that came from"dirty" plants in the past and over-supplied in animal foods -- that got it from plants!). Best to get Vitamin D from sun exposure.

Besides getting healthier, you'll be healing much else in the world! As Dr. Michael Klaper wrote/video'd in 1989 - "A Diet for All Reasons!"

Get on J. Morris Hicks daily blog, ask for more involvement from President Clinton! Leave these Paleo/Atkins types in the dustbin of history!!
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Postby Biologist » Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:26 am

Maule, in my judgment your nutritional guidance is largely misguided, but you do get an A-plus for zeal. Zeal is good.

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Biologist - Human body designed to thrive on PLANTS

Postby maule5662h » Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:13 am

:wink: A-Plus onZEAL! :lol: You score high on KINDNESS (though you have very little competition here)!

Biologist - You must be aware that the human body is designed to thrive on PLANTS, as Dr. Milton Mills covered thoroughly in links given by me recently.
http://www.vegsource.com/news/2009/11/the-comparative-anatomy-of-eating.html -- read that document to refresh your education.

The many "Healthy Lifestyle" professionals get people well via plant-strong nutrition for the last 34 years! I will continue to heed their guidance. Nothing posted here or on the Atkins book review site competes.
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Dispelling the Protein Myth

Postby maule5662h » Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:59 pm

Dispelling the "protein myth" and beyond


. . . . Etc. . . .

In an extremely complex system of government, academia, medicine, big-pharma and the food industry - where almost everyone truly believes that we need to eat animal protein to be healthy - it's going to take a well-planned and deftly executed campaign of educating the Western world about the enormous benefits of plant-based eating - beginning with our own health. Along the lines of Eat this, not that...

Instead of choosing this message:

Despite popular opinion and many authoritative voices to the contrary, the simple truth is that humans do not "need" to eat animal protein in order to be healthy. The fact is that it is literally killing us and destroying our planet in the process. My name is Bill Clinton and I approved this message.

We chose this message:

Plant-Based Eating - Providing ALL the nutrition that you need for your health - while, at the same time - doing some wonderful things for your environment, your fellow man, and all living creatures. While eating in a manner that prevents or reverses heart disease, diabetes and cancer; each of us can reduce our total water consumption by 90 percent, free up three acres of land, and cut our total energy consumption by 30 percent. The positive implications on global water scarcity, energy crisis and world hunger are staggering. We are the U.N., the CGI (Clinton Global Initiative), and the ADA (American Dietetic Association) and we approved this message.

We concluded yesterday that the traditional approach of writing books and giving lectures is simply not getting the job done in terms of influencing enough people to embrace the world-changing, plant-based diet-style. We simply must take this message to people everywhere in a big way. To do so, we need to develop powerful, polished, totally credible, and exceptionally professional media to get this message to the wealthiest one billion people in the world above the age of 18. . . . . Etc. . . .
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Location: Santa Maria CA

FASTING: Can Save Your Life!

Postby maule5662h » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:29 pm

on a new subject: FASTING!!

I have read the books on fasting -- one by Dr. Fuhrman and one by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton.

I have paid attention to "True North" --
Welcome to TrueNorth Health Center | TrueNorth Health
Fasting clinic in California: medically supervised fasting and vegan diet in a health promoting environment.

I am on my 4th day of water-only fasting and it is going OK! Lost 8 pounds already, starting at 142 lb. Will shoot for my Air Force weight 50 years ago -- 129 lb. Not being supervised by a "qualified person."

This is just a day-by-day first time exposure.
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Plant-Based Eating -- Best for all Reasons!

Postby maule5662h » Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:57 am

Plant-Based Eating -- Best for all Reasons!

As outlined in great detail in my various blogs on this topic, my goal is to reach the wealthiest one billion people in the Western world with this simple message:

Plant-Based Eating - Providing ALL the nutrition that you need for your health - while, at the same time - doing some wonderful things for your environment, your fellow man, and all living creatures. While eating in a manner that prevents or reverses heart disease, diabetes and cancer, each of us can reduce our total water consumption by 90 percent, free up three acres of land, and cut our total energy consumption by 30 percent. The positive implications on global water scarcity, energy crisis and world hunger are staggering.

We are the U.N., the CGI (Clinton Global Initiative), and the ADA (American Dietetic Association) and we approved this message.

Be a good example. Go forth and implement this in your life and tell others!

My holiday gift to all is at the top of my Public folder at:


----->> "HL-Gift-Xmas11"

HL stands for "Healthy Lifestyle"

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Location: Santa Maria CA

Postby David Staup » Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:50 pm

as I eat my PRIME RIB, brocolli in cheese sauce, crab stuffed mushrooms I'll be thinking of ya maule (is that what happened to your brain? mauled by lettuce, huh, that's apropos)

David Staup
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Child Abuse via FOOD!

Postby maule5662h » Tue May 01, 2012 1:05 pm

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"The Starch Solution" new book - my review

Postby maule5662h » Fri May 18, 2012 5:10 pm

This review is from: The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good! (Hardcover)

"The Starch Solution" gives us Dr. McDougall's latest book after his ~40 years of leading people to optimal health. You will find consistency with the guidance in his other 12 or so books since 1983, his DVD's, monthly free newsletters, free website at drmcdougall.com, 5 and 10-day TOTAL HEALTH SOLUTION (THS) clinics, Advanced Study Weekends, and Adventure Tours solely to Costa Rica now. The truth has legs!

Dr. McD offers so much more than optimal nutrition guidance. His 1985 book "McDougall's Medicine - A Challenging Second Opinion" shows that he has been at this very important aspect for a long time, too! He gets you off of many medical drugs and steers you away from over-testing and from submitting to many medical procedures. Go to his website and download for free two e-lectures to watch on your computer. #1 -- "ACLM Presentation" in 2006 to the American College of Lifestyle Medicine Symposium - "Why current therapies for chronic diseases don't work & Why lifestyle medicine can't fail." #2 -- "Marketing Milk & Disease."

My family of four participated in his THS clinic over nine years ago, plus we went to his Costa Rica Adventure Tour 8 years ago, and have been on his plant-based, whole-foods, starch-centered optimal nutrition for health program since then. I am 76 and healthy and take no medicines or supplements, except for B-12. Good food should be your main focus -- 80% of health benefits come from optimal nutrition, 20% from better exercise.

For the last 5 years, a retired family physician and I have conducted "Healthy Lifestyle" 10-sessions seminars, independent of public agencies. We point participants to Dr. McDougall as the best overall health guidance source! People quickly get healthier -- reversing type 2 diabetes, getting off of blood pressure medications, resolving GERD problems, etc.

It was lonely and even hostile in 2003 for someone on a plant-strong nutrition path. Fortunately, many more healthy lifestyle experts have been effectively teaching the world about the huge earth-improving benefits of eliminating animal-based products from your diets. Singing from the same songbook as Dr. McD are President Bill Clinton, Nathan Pritikin, John Robbins, Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Hans Diehl, Dr. Pamela Popper, RD Jeff Novick, Dr. Milton Mills, "VegSource" Jeff Nelson, Dr. Matt Lederman, J. Morris Hicks ("Healthy Eating - Healthy World" author and Blogger), and many more. Thanks to all of you, and a special thanks to Dr. John McDougall for changing my family's world for the better!
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IT'S THE FOOD, PEOPLE! NY Times posting by K.

Postby maule5662h » Wed May 23, 2012 1:46 pm

maule5662h Santa Maria CA

Do pay attention to J. Morris Hicks comment, below.

"Concerned Citizen" 's response is not one to pay mind to.

Go to Hick's blog today and then follow the link to his diabetes blog here:


Watch the linked video by Dr. John McDougall, who has been curing type 2 diabetics with plant-based nutrition for 40 years!!!

My family of four has been on Dr. McD's TOTAL HEALTH SOLUTION clinic guidance for over 9 years and are healthy and drug-free (I am 76 and teach "Healthy Lifestyle" guidance to locals, independent of public organizations.)

My health guidance files are at *http://public.me.com/maule5662h


per Dr. McD, Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. Campbell, Dr. Ornish, Dr. Fuhrman, Dr. Greger, Dr. Barnard, Dr. Diehl, Rd Jeff Novick, and many others who know that this is the answer.

And it can be very tasty! This is not a burden. You do not need any animal products for optimal nutrition for best human health. We are designed as "Herbivores" -- Plant-eaters!
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THE STARCH SOLUTION - Review by Jim Hicks

Postby maule5662h » Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:39 am


"The Starch Solution" by Dr. John McDougall-My review
Posted on 06/02/2012
Another beacon of information that will help to change the world
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500th BLOG on "Healthy Eating - Healthy Planet" we

Postby maule5662h » Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:59 pm



:::::: EXCERPT:
The primary objective of this book is to outline in simple, everyday terms the extent of the problems we face, how we got ourselves into trouble, and what each of us can do to make things better. Fortunately, despite the incredible complexity of our current dilemma, the solution is refreshingly simple.

All we have to do is educate ourselves,

start making better choices about what we eat,

and then share all that we have learned with everyone we care about.

I am convinced that there has never been anything more important in the history of the world.

It's that last sentence that keeps me going. And it's this blog that provides me with a vehicle to reach people all over the world. But, as my friend Sal Liggieri in New York would say, we're not reaching nearly enough people soon enough. Sal doubts that much is going to change in his lifetime (he's 86) or mine (now 67). But I cheerfully disagree with Sal and know that news can travel really fast in this world. We just need to reach that critical mass-and maybe sharing some of these blogs will help us gain some traction.

All of those 500 blogs are still available on this website-and they're easy to find-
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HEART HEALTH: Animal foods bad, coffee OK!

Postby maule5662h » Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:59 pm

Blocking the First Step of Heart Disease -- Listen to the video.

By preventing the buildup of cholesterol in our blood stream, we can prevent atherosclerosis in our coronary arteries, the leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women. This involves increasing our intake of fiber-containing plant foods and decreasing our intake of trans fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol found in junk food and animal products.

Drinking coffee may not be as bad for our health as we thought. Until a recent NIH study published in the New England Journal of Medicine last month, any possible health benefits of drinking coffee were clouded by the fact that regular coffee drinkers are also more likely to:

Smoke cigarettes
Eat fewer fruits and vegetables
Exercise less
Drink more alcohol

But for those of us do eat lots of fruits & veggies, exercise often, drink moderately and don't smoke-drinking coffee may actually help us live longer. As reported by the New York Times (See link below):

Once the researchers controlled for those risks (listed above), the data showed that the more coffee a person consumed, the less likely he or she was to die from a number of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, infections and even injuries and accidents.

Over all, the risk of dying during the 14-year study period was about 10 percent lower for men and about 15 percent lower for women who drank anywhere from two cups to six or more cups of coffee a day. The association between coffee and lower risk of dying was similar whether the coffee drinker consumed caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee.

Does this mean you should drink more coffee? Probably not. Since improving my diet-style in 2003, I have been what you would call a light coffee drinker, meaning that I only drink one small cup daily-right here where I publish my daily blog at the crack of dawn. And I will continue to be a light coffee drinker even though the risk of dying was lower for those who drank two to six or more cups a day. . . . . Etc. . . .
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Harms from eating rotting corpses!

Postby maule5662h » Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:01 pm

Continuing Dr. Greger's video reporting on the terrible bodily harms of your eating rotting corpses --


Dead Meat Bacteria Endotoxemia

The high bacteria load in raw or cooked animal foods and fermented foods may trigger an endotoxemic surge of inflammation that may be exacerbated by the presence of saturated animal fat.

You need to re-evaluate your choice of "food" via the paleo/caveman/Atkins/etc. theories!!

And it is worth your attention to read this complete "Healthy Eating - Healthy World" blog today by Hicks:


. . . . Etc. . . . My Bottom Line. All of us are either part of the solution or we are a part of the problem. And in my opinion:

Confusion is a major problem. Clarity is the obvious solution.

At the IIN, (Institute of Integrative Nutrition) the student is exposed to diametrically opposite points of view and is somehow expected to sort through it all and decide how to counsel their clients once they become certified. Perhaps their certificate should read:

Mary Jones is hereby certified by the world's largest nutrition school to be thoroughly confused about nutrition. After learning from a panel of experts who disagree on everything, she will now venture forth with her IIN certificate to join the overall "confusion over clarity" emphasis that exists in our dysfunctional "system" of helping the citizens of the world learn what they should be eating.

Bonus Video. A picture is worth a thousand words, and this video says it all. Featuring several of the plant-based experts on the IIN panel alongside at least two of the meat-based members of the same panel-this 2-minute video may help the IIN students decide which "guru" they should be following.

. . . . . . Etc. . . .

And read T. Colin Campbell's on-target evaluation of IIN!


########## ADDED:


Video Page
This page contains eight videos or movies, featuring Bill Clinton, Dr. Campbell and others. The final two are full length movies that should be required viewing for every human being on this planet. All are assembled here for your convenience and can be watched for free.
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Healthy Nutrition & Lifestyle - Article input

Postby maule5662h » Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:14 pm

DRAFT of inputs to newspaper article on grassroots Healthy Lifestyle Education:

Healthy Nutrition and Lifestyle - Education and Support

The diet that is optimal for your health
is also the best one for the planet!

Here is the evidence-based diet that the long-time best experts in "Lifestyle Medicine" endorse:

Nutrition for optimal human health:

Plant-strong, whole foods centered on starches for enough
calorie energy, lots of vegetables and some fruit - less fruit if
seeking rapid weight loss. Avoid processed oils (olive oil is
a junk food). Eliminate/minimize all animal products -- meats,
dairy, seafoods and eggs (do not eat anything with a face or
a mother!). Minimize most processed food-like products that
have low nutrition value and are high in sugar, fat and salt.

Much of what Bill has learned you can access on-line in his "Public" folder (excuse the long URL!) -- *https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7117waowww10bkx/Y42xNQF_Hx
You can access his videos at *http://vimeo.com/user1077474 .

For quick access to some key health documents, go to the website that he made for his favorite restaurant: *http://chinaoneorcutt.com . Publicity on the fifth grassroots class, starting in September, is posted there in a document labeled jaHltEdGrp5Pub-Sep12.pdf .

The focus of the class now is on application -- how to be successful and enjoy the journey to better nutrition and improved health. For participants who want more of the justification, there are loaners of over 70 separate DVDs and many books and pamphlets.

To get this education via the few on-site clinics (none in this area!) for 10 days, including lodging, facilities, lectures, veggie foods, excursions, professional staff, travel, etc., can cost you about $5,000 and the time away from your home and work.

For the Orcutt area course, a donation of $70 is suggested to cover some of the costs and to give the participant an incentive to achieve more value.

Introductory meetings -- go, and point friends -- will be held on Thursday, Sept. 6, at 7 PM at the Unity Chapel Activities Building at the south end of Bradley Road in Orcutt, and on Sunday, Sept. 9, at 6 PM, at Kleinbauer's home in Orcutt in the Las Brisas residential area. Tasty veggie potlucks kick off the two sessions!

############# ADDED: Two links to go to today:


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Location: Santa Maria CA

Plants = Health. Neil Armstrong killed by medical business.

Postby maule5662h » Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:43 pm

Plants = Health. Neil Armstrong killed by medical business.

K's article, Aug. 23.



(CNN) -- Neil Armstrong, the American astronaut who made "one giant leap for mankind" when he became the first man to walk on the moon, died Saturday. He was 82.

"We are heartbroken to share the news that Neil Armstrong has passed away following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures," Armstrong's family said in a statement.

Armstrong underwent heart surgery this month.


########## ADDED:

:::: . . . . . . Etc. . . .
Dr. Don Wagner is no longer accepting patients who don't agree to shift to a plant-based diet. We need more doctors like this man. . . . . Etc. . . .
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Postby David Staup » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:26 pm

chuckle...talking to yourself again

as for your doctor...assisted suicide is illegal
David Staup
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NOT doing so great after heart surgery!!!!

Postby maule5662h » Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:00 pm

NOT doing so great after heart surgery!!!!


OH, YES??!! - - - - - - > OH, Noooooooooooo -- OUCH!
The first man on the moon underwent a quadruple bypass and sources have told NBC News that Armstrong's doctors expect no problems with his recovery. NBC's Brian Williams reports.

By Alan Boyle

The first human to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong, is "doing great" after undergoing cardiac bypass surgery, his wife reported.

Carol Armstrong's characterization of her husband's condition was relayed by another moonwalker, Apollo 17's Gene Cernan.

Neil Armstrong, who lives in the Cincinnati area and just celebrated his 82nd birthday, went to the hospital on Monday for a stress test. He flunked, and on Tuesday, surgeons bypassed four blockages in his coronary arteries. His wife reports that his spirits are high, and the doctors expect no problems with his recovery, Cernan told NBC News' Jay Barbree. . . . . .Etc. . . .



For us herbivore-designed humans, that is a whole foods, plant based diet per Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Milton Mills, RD Jeff Novick, Etc. Etc.!




An expected part of aging in Western societies is to have the arteries feeding your heart, brain, legs, and penis close down by atherosclerosis. Yet these problems are almost never found in populations of people who follow a diet low in animal-derived and processed foods, such as those living in rural Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. The matter that clogs the arteries is living tissue (not concrete) and therefore, can heal given the right environment. To clean up your arteries (reverse atherosclerosis), a very low-fat, no-cholesterol diet must be followed strictly. Immediate benefits, such as relief of chest pains (angina) and tolerance for more exercise, are seen within days.

Heart surgery fails to prolong life in the vast majority of people and is fraught with serious side effects, including permanent brain damage - don't go this route unless you have no other choice.
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