by pops » Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:05 pm
I *have* read the alternative interpretations. In fact, I recently read an article on the Veterans Administration web site, dated October 2012, that stated statins have now been shown to *increase* the rate of calcium deposits in the arteries throughout the body.
This seems to fly in the face of the "theory" that statins reduce the risk of heart disease because many doctors believe that calcification of the arteries is a better predictor of heart disease than cholesterol deposits.
Meanwhile the VA is asking the question of whether these calcium deposits might be a *good* thing, since they may tend to stabilize coronary plaque. I don't think we'll know the answer to that for decades. Or, per what I perceive to be your point of view, the "experts" may cover up those answers.
Suffice it to say that in my opine, statins are causing enormous amounts of harm to some of the people who take them, and doctors seem to be ignoring that fact. Since, again in my opinion, so many lies have been told regarding statins - probably, as you said, in the interest of greed - it's hard to know for certain if statins do indeed do *anyone* any good at all.
I do have friends who are on statins who, at the very least, don't seem to have any adverse events from them. Or maybe those adverse events are going to come years down the road, and no doctor will put two and two together and figure out that statins were at fault. I don't know. Again, everything I say here is my opinion. And my opinion is flawed because I am human.
As I've said before, I don't give medical advice because I have no medical expertise. However, I'm going to quote the intelligence community, and you and others may apply that quote as you will:
"Trust, but verify."
And again, in my *opinion,* that rings true in every aspect of life.
Let the consumer beware...