Stopped Statin's due to problems poll.

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

How many people do you know who stopped statins after experiencing muscle pain?

1 - 3
3 - 5
5 - 7
more than 7
Total votes : 20

Stopped Statin's due to problems poll.

Postby harley2ride » Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:11 am

Please post results to this poll showing how many people you actually know who have experienced some sort of muscle problem or pain due to statin use. I have personally saved 6 people from a life time of pain and cramping, just by sharing my personal experience with statins. As a matter of fact, after seeing how bad they have effected me, some of these people never want to take any prescription medication again ever!

I should have put in a 0 for people who don't know anyone who has had associated muscle injury from statin drugs, so If anyone does know (snicker snicker) someone who has taken statins without any harmful side effects, then please post as a reply with that information, since I didn't include it in the poll. It would be interesting to note the number of people who have taken statins with no ill effects.
Last edited by harley2ride on Thu Jun 22, 2006 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Darrell » Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:34 pm

For a while I had to walk with a cane at times. That's when more people started to realize something was very wrong with me. When I told them what was wrong, an amazing number could relate other statin muscle stories, either regarding themselves or friends or relatives. My father had a TGA (amnesia incident) before he quit Mevacor. My brother-in-law quit a statin due to muscle problems.
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Postby CatMom » Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:43 am

I have quit them myself and I have a friend that took it and ended up in the emergency room with heart attack like symptoms. He quit taking it and had no ill effects then the doctor put him back on it and ended up in the ER again with heart attack symptoms again. No more statins for him either!
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Very fortunate....maybe:

Postby catamaran » Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:54 pm

:?: I quit myself after ten years on 40mg of Zocor. I had regular, but seemingly minor, calf-muscle cramps at night. My body also exuded a "mediciny" odor according to my wife.

I dumped the drug, and my doctor, when I discovered the non-existence of any link between "cholesterol" and atherosclerosis.

Reconsidering my experience with the drug in view of the new knowledge of its devastating side effects I consider myself very fortunate to have suffered no more than I have: minor muscle cramps and the inability to develop any muscle mass despite serious weight training three times a week; however, a disturbing possibliity of greater damage done by the drug arose: I have noticed that my lung capacity has been reduced significantly; that is, I can no longer run a seven-minute mile with comfort and ease. The best I can muster is ten minutes, and that is a real push despite continuous training. Now I must admit I'm 20 years older, but ten of those years was on Zocor which has a serious, but usually unreported, negative side-effect, intersticial pulmonary fibrosis.

I can't prove a cause/effect, but the suspicion is certainly there.
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