diagnostic test available in britan!!!

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

diagnostic test available in britan!!!

Postby David Staup » Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:15 pm

I stumbled upon the following paper whilst looking at the similarities between statin damage and chronic fatigue syndrome and it looks promising to me. I'm looking into the availability in the US but thought I'd post this right away

the paper:


testing facility in Britan:


David Staup
Posts: 546
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Location: granbury, texas

New Test

Postby Nancy W » Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:04 am

Hi David,

Very interesting! If you find out that anyone is doing that test in the USA, that would be great!

Sort of on that subject, I have a good friend and colleague who is a naturopath. She and I both practice CranioSacral Therapy. She employs a method of assessing for the appropriate remedies, and appropriate quantities of remedies analyzing the effect of the remedy on the craniosacral rythym. She has been around for my whole statin (mis)adventure. I have had her, plus the naturopath she learned the testing method from, test the supplements I have been on. Their findings supported what my original naturopath had suggested, which was very much along the lines of what is discussed here as a mitochondrial cocktail.

As I have improved, I have cut the doses down and have been titrating to figure out where the natural baseline maintenance dosages are. One thing I am trying is a new supplement combination by Thorne called Neurochondria. It has vit B 12, Folate, Benfotiamine, Co Q 10, R LIpoic Acid, Glutathione, Acetyl-l-Carnitine, and Phosphatidylserine. I am taking that along with Vit D, Vit C, and Fish Oil. So far, pretty good. I may have one night in seven with very distal toe neuropathic pain. One to two days in seven with twinges in my trigeminal nerves in my face (mostly momentary). If I miss the supplements for more than a few days, the neuropathy increases. Will let you know how this goes.

The actual reason I started this long note is that my friend and I were discussing a patient of hers who has CFS. This woman had self dosed with things like adrenal supplements without any luck. When my friend assessed her, the assessment showed that the most helpful supplement for her was not adrenals, no surprise, but the Neurochondria. I also tested high for that suppolement, which is why I am taking it. The interesting thing is that this woman refused to believe that her fatigue might be related to a problem with the mitochondria, and despite the recommendation, wouldn't even try the Neurochondria.

So, it is an anecdote, but it stands alongside the note you have written. Just some thoughts about possible mitochondrial connections with fatigue.
Nancy W
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Postby David Staup » Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:31 pm


I have been unable to find anyone in th US doing the test but have seen several instances where the samples have been shipped overnight from the US.

I've just sent an email to the lab contact inquiring about other labs and requirements/ availability of international testing.

David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby vicki » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:56 pm

David wrote: I've just sent an email to the lab contact inquiring about other labs and requirements/ availability of international testing.

David I think we would all be interested if you find anything out about the testing.

I've spent almost 15 yrs. on studing the side effects of statins and looking for help. Sounds like you and others have spent a long time also looking for answers and help also
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Postby David Staup » Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:27 am


you can contact Dr. Myhills office by email and set it up to be done by having the blood drawn here (in the states) and shipped there (england) by second day air in an insulated box. They send a kit with vials and instructions, Dr. Myhill will send a report on the results to you and your doctor.
see here: "http://drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Ordering_Tests

I am saving for the test and would have had it done already but for some unexpected expences.. :shock:
David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby vicki » Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:46 pm

thanks David I will contact Dr. Myhills office

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Postby David Staup » Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:05 am


I'd be real interested in following the progress of your testing and specific condition etc. would you be so kind as to contact me direct? You can do that from my profile page.....thanks

David Staup
Posts: 546
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Location: granbury, texas

Re: diagnostic test available in britan!!!

Postby Cath123 » Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:06 pm

Hi, I was just wondering did any of you go ahead with the mitochondria testing from Dr Myhill? Would be really interested to know what results you got if you did the test.
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Re: diagnostic test available in britan!!!

Postby David Staup » Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:45 pm


I don't know of anyone who did get the test... I found a doctor who was interested ( his wife and son have CFIDS) but I didn't like his ethics so I never went back...eventually I figured out my "mito cocktail" of supplements by assuming I had acquired mito and by trying all of the potentially beneficial vitamins, minerals, and co-factors used for mito disorders. see here (about halfway down):

http://www.umdf.org/atf/cf/%7B28038C4C- ... 0FIRST.pdf

David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Re: diagnostic test available in britan!!!

Postby Cath123 » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:25 pm

Thanks very much for that pdf link David, it's very interesting reading.
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Re: diagnostic test available in britan!!!

Postby David Staup » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:36 am

You're welcome.

There is also this one:


BUT I don't agree with one thing here....Niacinamide NOT niacin is the preferred form of B3 for mito

also this booklet by DR. Myhill on chronic fatigue is most helpful:


PACING yourself is, in my opinion, the number one key to living with mito...

David Staup
Posts: 546
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Location: granbury, texas

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