Statins linked to rare autoimune disease

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Statins linked to rare autoimune disease

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Apr 05, 2014 11:10 am

This is not Rabdo. This is not a NEW statin associated autoimmune discovery (2010), but I can't find it or remember logging it on the site. It's potentially invaluable information for those of us who continue to deteriorate after quitting the statin meds.

exclude the ** when you link.


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Re: Statins linked to rare autoimune disease

Postby David Staup » Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:04 am

"This is not Rabdo."
Only by degree is this not rhabdo

necrotizing myopathies are not necessarily rhabdo, BUT acute necrotizing myopathies ARE:


Rabdo is "reached" at 10 x the high normal CK (creatine Kinase), or roughly 2,000... This is acute necrotizing myopathy

values between the high normal and 10x normal are just "not so acute" it's the same cause though

There are as many as 11 different cell death pathways. A spectrum, actually, from most destructive (necrosis) to least destructive (apoptosis) to the body. The spectrum can also be quantified by the energy (atp) required. From necrosis at zero energy (atp) required to apoptosis at maximum energy (atp) required.


ALL of the cell death pathways start at mitochondrial swelling and are inhibited by low dose Benadryl :-)

David Staup
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Re: Statins linked to rare autoimune disease

Postby David Staup » Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:27 am

one more thing about cell death, while the bio marker for necrosis is CK, CK is NOT the biomarker for apoptosis. The biomarker for apoptosis is cytochrome-C. To get the full measure of myopathy BOTH should be looked at.....doctors don't know this yet or maybe they don't want to know ...hard to tell
David Staup
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Re: Statins linked to rare autoimune disease

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:18 pm

I suppose I should have included the following excerpt from the site. It is the most interesting and perhaps the most valuable part of this write-up:

" Mammen says the lab test he and his team have developed, which has not yet been approved by regulators, enables them to diagnose the disease with near certainty."

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Re: Statins linked to rare autoimune disease

Postby David Staup » Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:22 pm

" Mammen says the lab test he and his team have developed, which has not yet been approved by regulators, enables them to diagnose the disease with near certainty."

Your point is????
David Staup
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Re: Statins linked to rare autoimune disease

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:37 pm

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Re: Statins linked to rare autoimune disease

Postby David Staup » Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:55 pm


I'll use rhabdo as my example

rhabdo is not a specific diagnosis although it's bio marker is high CK
rhabdo was first recognized and described during WW2 and was found due to it's association with crushing injuries, during the bombing of London I believe. Now the "Diagnosis" then was "oh, look, his legs were crushed!"

obviously different tests are required to "diagnose" different causes of rhabdo ALL of which present high CK

the same holds true for all non-acute necrotic myopathies, many causes - one bio marker
David Staup
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Re: Statins linked to rare autoimune disease

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Apr 06, 2014 7:16 pm

David: I don't understand the tenor of your replies. I am not being argumentative. My point is: the condition exists and there is a reliable test for it; nothing more.

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Re: Statins linked to rare autoimune disease

Postby David Staup » Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:51 am

the tenor of my replies?

I was just asking about your point...if that upsets you well, I'm confused.

your response "obvious" indicated, to me, that you were laboring under ignorance, which I then tried to correct. Now, I understand how that might make someone react just how you have....MY tenor? again I'm confused.

chuckle...projection I'd say

David Staup
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