An uphill battle

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

An uphill battle

Postby cjbrooksjc » Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:36 pm

The FDA is not in our corner; they are in BIGPhARMA'$ corner. Look at the following site for a clear picture of how dictatorially the FDA treats the public; it's criminal... literally!!


You can rent BURZYNSKI (the movie) from Netflix or any other rental source. I HIGHLY recommend it.

While the main focus of this film is on cancer drugs, it relates to our continuing fight to get a fair FDA assessment of Statin regimens as it shows how hopeless the fight has become.


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Re: An uphill battle

Postby David Staup » Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:37 pm

" how hopeless the fight has become"

I once read that "a man can have no greater frustration than to have much knowledge and little power". I understand that now more than ever. However, I have adopted a patience and persistence attitude and do believe it is starting to pay off. So, maybe, it's not as hopeless as you think.

David Staup
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Re: An uphill battle

Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:10 am

There are at least two aspects to this uphill difficulty: one - that we who have been damaged seem to be under a Cassandra-like spell, and our warnings have little effect on those whose health is still in danger, and two - those in a position to protect the public and affect positive change in the health/pharmaceutical arena have become jaded and enriched by the very industry they are expected to regulate. I applaud your hopeful attitude, but I don't see signs of any positive change in the near future because "money talks".

That said, I certainly will, as your note suggests, PERISIT in denouncing Statins, Big Pharma, and self-serving crony capitalism.

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Re: An uphill battle

Postby David Staup » Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:48 pm

I believe, now, that we have been looking for belief in the wrong place. Our doctors are ignorant and, because of that, they cultivate ignorance in the already ignorant (us) without even knowing that they are doing it, because their ignorance has been cultivated by the system. Beliefs, once formed, are held on to with a tenacity that defies ALL logic. It's human nature, best described by David Hume hundreds of years ago:

"The greater part of mankind are naturally apt to be affirmative and dogmatical in their opinions; and while they see objects only on one side, and have no idea of any counterpoising argument, they throw themselves precipitately into the principles, to which they are inclined; nor have they any indulgence for those who entertain opposite sentiments. To hesitate or balance perplexes their understanding, checks their passion, and suspends their action. They are, therefore, impatient till they escape from a state, which to them is so uneasy: and they think, that they could never remove themselves far enough from it, by the violence of their affirmations and obstinacy of their belief."

I believe it is the doctors that we must educate. We are not prophesizing the future but accurately describing what WE know to be true. I have begun that process with my doctor and this Friday I have another appointment and plan to show him just how ignorant he is AND that his ignorance HAS BEEN CULTIVATED.

I saw a big increase in traffic to my posts on Benadryl that started one week after I suggested that my 79 year old doctor try it for himself. Let's see what happens after my next visit.

There IS hope

David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Re: An uphill battle

Postby Allen1 » Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:31 pm

I think there is something brewing in the Statin area as there are still people pushing this poison on the people of the UK and making out that any possible side effects are minor and the benefits far outweigh the problems. Someone has got to be getting paid a lot of money for influencing the medical profession into still believing that this stuff has saved thousands of lives from heart attacks. I would sooner die from a heart attack than put up with the pain and memory problems that I have had for so many years, at least with the heart attack it is over fairly quickly!
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Re: An uphill battle

Postby David Staup » Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:39 pm

This looks promising:

"Cholesterol-lowering Drug Researchers Start Backtracking" ... ng/5431960
David Staup
Posts: 546
Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:13 pm
Location: granbury, texas

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