I tried to buy L-Carnitine on the weekend. Seems that Health Canada has pulled it off of the store shelves. And it sure is hard to find CoE Q10 in gel caps. Walmart has 100mg pills for the most reasonable price. The health food stores wanted about $40 for the same thing.
Oh...and I got a call from the neurologist's office yesterday about the muscle biopsy results. He wanted to see me today but I didn't have transportation into the city until Thursday. I was really hoping that this test would be negative. I figured then I would at least have some chance of recovery from this muscle problem. But if there is some damage, then I'm afraid I will never get better.
Yet, I'm so encouraged that I found this web site! I would never have thought of going off of the Lipitor if I didn't stumble here. I finally was able to find out when I started taking Lipitor and when my symptoms first started. I started Lipitor in Jan. 1999 and by Jan 2001, I started with the leg swelling and the heaviness in my legs. I used to walk all over our town 3 or 4 times a week and every day to work. Now, I'm lucky if I can make it to the end of my driveway. I've been to many doctors for tests. All came back negative. I've felt like no one believes me and that I must be imagining my problems since there was no diagnosis. I've only been off Lipitor for about a week, but there is no way I'll ever go back on it. I'll take my chances with the heart disease instead.