Cleveland clinic: Statin Myopathy under-reported

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Cleveland clinic: Statin Myopathy under-reported

Postby cjbrooksjc » Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:39 am

Just a bit more brick and mortar for your case studies: **[tt_news]=365545&cHash=dae55cbf4e633b8a4f51852f72b21f8e


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Re: Cleveland clinic: Statin Myopathy under-reported

Postby Floydknobsclarkcount » Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:44 pm

I am 74 yr. old and was on Lipitor (generic) for 2 years for elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. Triglycerides were super high. Dr. said to take Lipitor to get Cholesterol down and watch diet. Began having leg cramps,some severe at night. Muscle spasms sometimes during daytime. Beginning last fall I noticed I had trouble getting up an down on my tractor. Now it is high off the ground (farm machinery). Then I began having trouble climbing onto ladders and stepping up on different areas. I was feeling weak. This past year was difficult with my wife having coronary stents and then shingles I put off going to the Dr. until June. But I stopped the generic lipitor in February. I told Dr about the muscle problems and weakness and that my feet were stinging and burning.They felt like they were having needles stuck in them. He ran a lot of blood tests and all that came back was the usual high cholesterol and super high tryglycerides. He recommended a neurologist when I saw him Dec. 1st. By now feet are on fire and have difficulty walking. I have begun using a cane for extra support. Neuro sent me for more blood work, MRI of Lower back and Physical Therapy. She gave me a Lidocaine 5% ointment to rub into my feet that my wife does for me 2 X's a day. Not sure if that is helping and the PT only caused me more pain.
I have been reading the posts on this site for the past few months and tried some of the natural remedies. I am now using CO Q 10 and L-carnitine (carnitine bothers my stomach). I asked the neurologist for something for the pain. She said she has to do an EMG ( know what they are and don't want anything else to cause me more pain0 so I'm not sure it will do me any good to have her poke needles in my already inflammed system. I asked her for pain meds but she said she doesn't prescribe pain meds there and I'd have to go to pain management clinic.
Has anyone on this forum found relief and felt they regained their life back?
Because I've been active my whole life and never been a couch potato. This pain is intolerable 24/7 I just don't know what is left for me to do. Over the counter natural cures are potential heavy metals that can cause liver damage and I don't need any more health problems at this time.
Can anyone give me hope that this will go away or how I can deal with the pain?
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Re: Cleveland clinic: Statin Myopathy under-reported

Postby Floydknobsclarkcount » Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:41 pm

Is there any help out there for me? Is there a Dr. that recognizes the symptoms and has a form of treatment that doesn't cause more pain?
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