by gardeneyes » Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:04 pm
My husband is 51 years old and other than having high cholesterol, had no medical problems. After his last physical in March, his doctor gave him a prescription for livostatin. He began taking it in March. In April he was lifting weights and pulled a muscle. My husband lifts weights regularly and has never had this happen before. From there it was downhill. He began having severe sciatic problems and then began experiencing muscle weakness and tingling. He also began losing weight and became fatigued very easily. Since he had the muscle strain, we thought some of the symptoms were related to that. He began chiropractic, physical therapy and was given muscle relaxers and anti-depressants. He quit the statin drugs after his second month because of the other medications he was on. He has continued to lose weight and muscle tone and has now become too weak to even take walks like we used to do. He also has stopped sweating, his allergies have disappeared and his digestion is very slow. He had all the tests for MS, ALS, etc with no result. His neurologist suggested he see a mental health professional. It was after that appointment that our doctor called us and "suggested" he go off the statin medication. We then went back to his regular doctor and explained our concerns. His response was "eat better and get more exercise". So far his has lost over 20 pounds in the past 2 months because of losing muscle tone and not being able to digest food. He has begun taking the supplements recommended here and it has helped some. But, he is so frustrated by the continuing problems. We will see another neurologist next week and will ask for a test for peripheral neuropathy. He is afraid this is permanent and worries about his ability to work in the future.