Life after Lipitor

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Life after Lipitor

Postby Cathy » Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:09 pm

Hi , my name is Cathy and Lipitor ruined my life. I have been off of it for 2yrs. as of last May. I am only able to function with the use of high dose narcotics. The pain is so bad sometimes even with my pain meds I have to stay in bed all day. I was on 80 mgs of Lipitor for 4 years. All my blood tests came back NORMAL. DRS would say, old age, being over-weight,stress ect. It was so fustrating. I got so I could hardly walk,my brain was not functioning, I would walk into walls, couldn't stay awake. NObodyknew what was wrong with me. Finally one day, I hobbled outside to my deck, layed down in the sun and thought about ending it all. I'm usually a fighter, but this was more than I could handle. My dog came and laid next to me, she put her paw on my cheek and looked at me with very sad eyes. I then looked at the sky, and said" DAMN< I WON'T GIVE UP!" Then I started researching Lipitor. Dr. said no-way it couldn't be, if I quit taking it, I would die of a heart attack. Against his wishes, I quit it. Its been along 2+ years, but like I said with the pain meds I can function again. Still have memory problem and a host of other things Lipitor brought on. My Pain Management Dr. is the only one who would say it was deffenitally lipitor. He said most Drs. are "ignorant" as far as what this drug can do. He said I can Have other problems come up down the road from this, or I can slowly recover. Right now all he can do is treat the pain. I'm very thankful I am still here, am 85% better, but my other Drs. still will not say it was Lipitor!!!! :evil:
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Location: Minnesota

Postby Granny102245 » Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:16 pm

I'm bummed when I hear your progress. I am 19 months post Lipitor and have many of your symptoms. It has improved but I keep hoping my walking will get better and my feet stop hurting. According to your progress I will have a long time to go before I have a recovery that is tolerable. I try and get by with Ibuprofen only but it doesn't always help the pain. What type of pain relief have you found helpful?
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Postby SusieO » Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:19 pm

Cathy I am in total agreement with you on how the majority of the doctors will say Lipitor did not cause my problems!

I may just check into a pain mgmt doctor to see if one here will see things my way.

I've been off Lipitor now for a full year and still have memory problems (not improving only getting worse), walking problems with little improvement and pain in my legs and arms (this has improved in my arms).

I get so tired of being told "you are off the Lipitor so therefore you should not dwell on your problems coming from taking this drug" I just want to scream!

I know in my heart that my problems are all from taking this drug and no one will ever convince me of anything else because I know my body.
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pain med

Postby Cathy » Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:54 pm

Granny, first I have to say my pain levels were a 10+. I could hardly move. Now I'm down to a 5-6 on the scale of pain. Almost like really bad arthritus. That said, I'm on the Duragesic patch, which is an opoid, very addictive and very controled. But it has saved my life. I don't know what I'll do or what will happen if I have to ever come off it. I really beleive in quality verses quanity of life. There are many stronger drugs than Ibuprofen, so talk to your Dr. Sadly its a tough road to get Drs to understand about pain, so I have found, but keep fighting, you will find one thats willing to help!......Cathy
Posts: 28
Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:38 pm
Location: Minnesota

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