I had my endocrinolgist appt today and my rheumatologist appt today. The endo dr.'s assistant especially still refuses to admit that statins are whats causing my muscle and joint pain. She flat out said that since I'm no longer taking them, there should be no pain, unless I had that serious muscle affliction, rhab???? Sorry don't remember the name. She's very stubborn and really ticked me off today a few times. She also told me that I'd gained weight not because I stopped smoking, but that it was because I overeat and eat the wrong things. I told her everything I'd ever seen and heard from experts on the stop smoking issue said that when you stop, your metabolism slows down......well not according to her. I think I'm gonna be looking for a new endocrinolgist very soon.
Why won't they come out and admit that the statins cause problems for people, when the very advertisements give that disclaimer????? I'm really aggravated about this whole thing.
Final upshot from the rheumatologist is some arthritis in my feet but that shouldn't cause my muscle aches and pains. Now they want me to see a neurolgist for muscle tests..... Arghhhh!!!! I'm beginning to think I just dreamed this whole thing up and I don't have any pains at all and what I really need is a good shrink!!