A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.


Postby JL » Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:03 pm

Hi Everyone,
My cholesterol has been over 200 all of my adult life and I am now 52 years old. My doctor asked me many times to consider taking statins. Finally, when I reached 50, I decided that I should at least try Red Yeast Rice. She had prescribed a twice a day dose but told me to try the dose at once a day first. I tried it for one month and did a blood test at the end of the month. Wow. I was amazed. All of my numbers fell to within the normal range. But the one thing that really bothered me was that my liver enzymes climbed to the edge of the safe range but my doctor said not to worry about it. At that time, I thought the RYR was harmless since it was "natural" but when the compouding pharmacist who mixed the RYR told me that RYR was a drug just like Lipitor, it frightened me and I stopped taking it. Just last year, I discovered the VITAMIN C FOUNDATION website
All Statin Drugs rob the heart muscle of an important enzyme (COQ10) and keep the liver from producing cholesterol yet cholesterol is very essential for healthy body function. Vitamin C along with Lysine and Proline keep the cholesterol from adhering to the artery walls.
We have a forum at the Foundation if anyone wants to join and post any questions they are welcome to do so.
Best regards.
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Postby Darrell » Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:29 pm

I did a "WhoIs" search on and let's just say that have a serious problem with taking advice from an organization that sells the cure and is founded by a "doctor" (OF) who got his "PhD" from a diploma mill (CC). Be careful.
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protocol is provided free

Postby JL » Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:07 pm

Did you check out THE CURE FOR HEART DISEASE protocolIf you did, you will have found that the protocol explains for FREE which supplements to take and how much of them to take. There are no books to buy to get the information. You buy your own supplements from whatever source is out there. Owen Fonorow owns and administers the sites but the major advice that he provides deals with what he and others have learned from Linus Pauling (famous biochemist and 2 time unshared Nobel Prize recipient) AND nationally known cardiologist, Dr. Matthias Rath from Germany. Because the human body does not manufacture its own Vitamin C unlike most mammals, when the arteries have lesions, the body must use a sticky protein called Lp(a) to mend the lesions.It is the sticky Lp(a) that causes the cholesterol to get stuck to the artery walls and causes plaque build-up. Taking Vitamin C, helps the body manufacture colagen which is used to keep the artery walls strong so that they don't burst (like an aneurysm) or form lesions. Taking the amino acids causes the Lp(a) to loose its stickiness so that plaque and cholesterol won't stick to the artery walls. The protocol has worked on many folks and it has no adverse side effects like STATIN drugs. Doctors who prescribe statins are leading you down the wrong path to wellness and literally destroying your health in the process. BEWARE! :shock:
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Postby Darrell » Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:29 pm

You don't need to tell anybody here to beware of statins.
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Keep on Track

Postby JL » Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:31 pm

[quote="Darrell"]You don't need to tell anybody here to beware of statins.[/quote]

and you don't have to get so sour over me recommending THE CURE FOR HEART DISEASE protocol as it could help a lot of people on this list. Let's stay on track, shall we??? Thanks.
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Free E book by Dr. Rath

Postby JL » Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:21 pm

Dr. Rath, nationally known cardiologist explains the REAL underlying cause of heart disease.
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Ascorbate (Vitamin C) and Lp(a) Relationship

Postby JL » Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:38 pm

Research paper by Linus Pauling and Dr. Rath.
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Postby Darrell » Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:03 pm

I'm not "sour", JL, I'm just cautious.

Pauling was controversial in his later years and died over a decade ago.

For background on Dr. Rath see and and You can also Google "Matthias Rath".

You are open to us looking at the whole picture before betting our health on it, aren't you JL?
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Postby JL » Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:28 pm

Is it being cautious? of is it just plain old ignorance?
Of course one is welcome to look up all the negatives about these great individuals (Pauling and Rath) but the bottom line is their research and their UNIFIED THEORY on curing heart disease. OTOH, Stephen Barrett MD (owner of quackwatch) has really nothing to offer us in terms of fighting cardiovascular disease, right?
BTW, may I remind you that I am not promoting any products, just further insight as to how to cure heart disease. Thanks. JL
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Postby Darrell » Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:10 pm

You call me "sour" and "off track" and just plain old ignorant, but that doesn't change the fact that you are pushing a THEORY with all the gusto of a used car salesman, and the cast of characters behind your THEORY include a very old, very controversial dead man (with Nobel prizes relating to chemical bonds and peace, not medicine or biochemistry) and some possibly unsavory characters, one of whom uses a degree mill diploma to pose as a doctor and another who is irritating authorities worldwide by pushing Vitamin C as the cure for near about everything from the common cold to heart disease to cancer to AIDS. And I find it fascinating that QuackWatch irritates you so -- are you listed?
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Postby harley2ride » Fri Aug 04, 2006 4:19 pm

I agree with darrel. You need to be careful. All of these websites professing to have all the answers remind me of a saying. Opinions are like a$$holes. Everyone has one, and most of them stink. I like the diversity of having all these sites, but caution needs to be used. On a recent web site that was referred in another area of this forum, I asked the owner of the site for his credentials, and he got very huffy with me. I always run anything I read, by my doctor with Elks Rehab. He is good about checking things out and giving me his opinion.
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Postby JL » Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:50 pm

As a former statin user, I am "recommending" and not "pushing" or "selling" THE CURE FOR HEART DISEASE protocol because I use it, it makes a lot of sense to me and the body needs these vital nutrients in order to heal from heart disease. Have you not read the e book at least? What part of it do you not understand? Why is it so important for you to attack Mr. Fonorow who is merely passing information on from two briliant scientitst? What seems to be the hang up? Do you not want to heal?
Maybe this protocol is not for you and you would rather listen to your doctor who is probably a wonderful drug pusher. That is your choice. But I am sure there are others out there who are interested and this is why I am sharing it. Thanks. JL
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Cure for heart disease book etc

Postby Ray Holder » Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:26 am

I am sorry to see controversy arising, but one thing is certain, no-one has yet come up with the whole answer to heart disease. Having been very near the ultimate end 3 1/2 years ago, I can vouch for what has helped me, but there many many factors to be taken into account besides those in the ebook, which I have read and found interesting, but I must say that I was expecting to see a large advert for pills at the end. It is written in the same vein as many health supplement websites, and does not go very far into the technicalities. Arginine and proline are mentioned as necessary, but having looked at the Krebs Cycle recently, showing the 9 stages in production of energy starting with a single molecule of glucose, those substances are only two among a total of twenty necessary in the cycle.

I believe more humility is needed among researchers and doctors dealing with this subject, after all, the expensive trials have been little more than the medicine man of a primeval tribe watching the members feed on fruits and plants in the forest, and noting how many of the well fell sick, and how many sick became well. Not very much science in that approach.

The present system is much the same, but the modern medicine man is subsidised by the owner of a part of the forest containing his own special hybrid plants, to bring a cohort of trial subjects to his place to sample the new fruits,. in the hope that he may be able to squeeze suitable statistics from the venture to rustle up some lucrative trade.

Doctors are not all the enemy, I have a very good one, but he is constrained by the edicts of his higher authorities, who only give him half a tale on the side effects of statins etc, and only allow him to prescribe from a limited list which does not include those supplements which I find absolutely vital to me. He is being turned into more of a drugologist than a biologist every day.

There is a lot of talk about alternative and complementary medicine these days. I believe that official medicine is slipping into the realms of herbal practice, after all,the first statin was red yeast rice, and "alternative" medicine has far more science and research behind its products, and is more worthy to be trusted.

There are lots of avenues to be explored before the whole truth becomes clear, not least among them the role of homocysyeine which has a far greater correlation with heart problems than cholesterol ever had, but there is still a great deal more to be discovered, and there seems to be no urgency on the part of authority to tackle the problems, which need the attention of real scientists
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Postby Ray Holder » Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:34 am

I hadn't quite finished, and somehow I must have dropped my hand on the touchpad and the posting sent itself off.

I was going to finish by saying that real scientists are required, not statisticians and epidemiologists, and they need to be totally independent of any commercial organisation.

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Postby JL » Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:20 pm

FYI, the e book by Rath was only provided as an easy read. Simple w/o all the medical mumbo jumbo which we really don't need to know. If you really want to get deeper into all that stuff, you can go to his website and research the papers that he and Pauling did. The Cure for Heart Disease protocol to me is a comprehensive list of supplements that provide way more in terms of curing heart disease than any drug on the market. Plus these are nutrients that the body needs anyway. MDs are good for acute problems but there is no way that I am going to listen to them when it comes to prolonged use of their drugs. Almost all of them are legal drug pushers and the sooner we realize that, the healthier we will be. Best regards. JL
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Cure for heart disease

Postby Ray Holder » Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:05 am

I have done a lot more research since I last posted, Linus Pauling's research seems to have been based more on hope than fact. I am sorry, but all the mumbo jumbo, as you term it, is the essential part of any real scientific investigation. Nobody else has been able to get the same results, it looks very much like the way Ancel Keys started up the whole saturated fat and cholesterol machine, and look where that has got us!!

There is no substitute for in-depth study of all the mechanisms involved in heart problems, there is no simple solution, vitamins are a part of the answer, but they must be directed at the problem and not used willy nilly. Exercise and keeping blood pressure under control and avoiding stress have also to be taken into account. The gradual weakening of heart muscle with age causes blood pressure to rise, Co enzyme Q10 may help here.

There are a lot of personality problems to solve in high places and even more commercial interests to overcome before the statin problems can start to subside.
Ray Holder
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Postby harley2ride » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:06 am

Hey JL
I understand what you are saying. But the simple fact is that the studies that you talked about are pretty old. Don't forget that years ago, the experts came out and said sugar is bad, use Sweeta, and other artificial stuff. Then a short time ago, they came out and said Sweeta, etc, is bad, use real, natural sugar. Then they did a study that said coffee is bad, and a few years later, said it is good. Same thing with one drink of alcohol a day. It seems that the studies results change to fit the market or the lawsuit trends.

Another thing is that all of our bodies are different, based upon diet, exertion levels, genetic's, etc., and what works for one, may not work for another. For example, in my case, I had a genetic predisposition for Mitochondria problems. Statins pushed it over the edge, then the military through Anthrax vaccine on top of that. I get plenty of vitamin intake via one a days, and due to previous kidney stone problems, I drink plenty of natural fruit juice (cran-raspberry, orange juice, lemonaide, grape juice). I alternate these on a regular basis. I try to buy 100% concentrates with as few artificials as possible. This also helps with muscle pain/problems, as I keep well hydrated.

No one is saying that your way is wrong, or doesn't work for you. I'm sure that I speak for most of us when I say that we appreciate any and all links/information that may be of help. We just don't want a salesman cramming it down our throats, or preaching it to us. My disease is cellular level, and it is slowly killing me. They just can't tell me when. I'll keep taking the stuff I'm taking, only because it takes the edge off the pain/cramping. Other than that, changing things and adding new things, only complicates the picture if my symptoms change. I'm already taking about 15 pills a day. I sure as heck don't need to add a bunch more...
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Postby JL » Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:14 am

Well Harley,
I hate to tell you this, but statins are old news too going back to the 50s. This is when the drug companies planned their conspiracy against its customers and began spreading wrong info on cholesterol so as to create a perpetual group of sick folks who could be easily manipulated into taking its drugs forever.
Linus Pauling was a famous scientist who did his research but could not get it published because the large pharmeceutical companies didn't want him interfering with their business of creating a sick population that they could exploit with their horrible drugs.
Here is the Cure for Heart Disease protocol just in case you didn't take a look at it yet.
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Postby Darrell » Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:03 am

That's an amazing 50s "conspiracy", JL, especially since the first statin, Mevacor, wasn't even introduced to the market until 1987. How you can call the Framingham Heart Study a "conspiracy" is as baffling to me as how casually you can use the word "cure". And Pauling actually did a bunch of publishing, some of which he later had to criticize harshly because his co-authors were getting too creative with their data.
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Postby JL » Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:24 am

Hi Darrell,
I am so sorry that you are failing to accept that there truly is a cure for heart disease. Without wasting any more of our time, here is a 19 page summary that will address your concerns about the Farmington Heart Study and the conspiracy against the public. Cholesterol is important for healthy cell and body function. When it is decreased (via statin therapy), the body becomes overwhelmed by all sorts of problems (cancer, muscle damage, etc). Cholesterol was never the problem, the problem lies in taking enough Vitamin C and Lysine so that the sticky Lippoprotein (a) that is imbedded in the artery walls won't cause cholesterol to stick to it.
Enough said. JL
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