Well, the test results from the visual accuity and EMG were both normal, according to the neurologist. He had planned to do a spinal tap after the last 2 tests but as of today decided it wouldn't show anything. His opinion is that all the problems my husband are having are mental. So, he is referring him to a mental health professional. When I asked him about muscle injury due to statin use he said he has never seen it and the statistics are just 1% of those who have muscle damage! I know that isn't right according to everything I have read. At the very least it is 4-5%. He mentioned that the CPK test was normal and I asked if it was true that some people have damage without elevated CPK scores. He didn't agree at all. My mistake was not bringing copies of the articles I have read from Mayo Clinic and major Physical Therapy websites as well as other sites. He also insisted that the muscle pain and weakeness would have ended as soon as the medication was stopped. He didn't want to discuss any more about the statin connection and kept bringing it back to a mental problem. When I asked how a mental problem could cause so many problems, he just said "you'd be amazed what the brain can do". I was very unhappy with his responses, as you can imagine. My dh has been seeing a naturopath who has helped with the digestive problems and a few symptoms but the nerve pain is still there as well as the weakness. Now we will have to start over with someone new, I guess.