stains, grapefruit, generic, $ 1/2 of double size cheaper?

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

stains, grapefruit, generic, $ 1/2 of double size cheaper?

Postby retep57 » Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:54 pm

hmm a few issues:

1 is it better to have smaler dose with one glass of grapefruit juice?
2 Perhaps generic might save users and govt/health agencies $.
3 Hmm i have heard that 1/2 of a 40mg pill is cheaper than a 20mg pill, any one doing this, again $ saved for users and govt/health depts etc. (?)

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Re: stains, grapefruit, generic, $ 1/2 of double size cheap

Postby sos_group_owner » Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:41 am

1 is it better to have smaler dose with one glass of grapefruit juice?
2 Perhaps generic might save users and govt/health agencies $.
3 Hmm i have heard that 1/2 of a 40mg pill is cheaper than a 20mg
pill, any one doing this, again $ saved for users and govt/health depts
etc. (?)
Reply - Number 4
Save everyone money, pain & suffering and don't take statins at all.
The only benefit of statins - they are a potent anti-inflammatory.
The fact that statins lower cholesterol is "irrelevant".

Beneficial (natural) anti-inflammatories:
(for various types of inflammation)

* Fish Oil
* Cod Liver Oil
* Polyphenols (in green tea, red wine, etc)
* Grape Seed Extract
* Vitamin C & Flavonoids
* Vitamin E
* GLA (Gamma-linolenic acid)
* St. John's wort (inhibits NF-kB)
* Silymarin (extract of milk thistle)
* Ginger
* Rosemary
* Curcumin
* Cat's Claw

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Postby Darrell » Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:30 pm

Grapefruit juice is not a way to get more effect from your statin -- it's a way to get a statin overdose later:

As I understand it, grapefruit juice (at least in large quantities) will inhibit your body's capability to process certain statins, thus causing them to build up to dangerous levels in your blood AND thus causing statin overdose when you stop consuming grapefruit juice regularly and the statin build-up can be absorbed. Someone on this board a few days ago gave their history that included disastrous results after they pursued a "grapefruit diet". Read the patient perscribing information sheet that should come with your statin or can be obtained on-line.
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