TC - 274
LDL - 170 (oxidized LDL is the problem, not just elevated LDL)
HDL - 73 (Outstanding!)
Triglycerides - 154 (Not bad)
You can reduce triglycerides by cutting back on carbs, especially the
"white foods" - sugar (biggest offender), flour, potato, bread, rice.
Pasta is the least likely to cause triglycerides to soar.
Replace the white foods with (not a complete list):
* Stevia (completely natural) sweetener
- (I prefer the liquid - found in healthy food stores)
* Brown/wild rice
* Sprouted grain bread or bread made with spelt flour
* Barley
* Sweet potatoes
* Whole grain pastas
* Steel cut oatmeal
* Buckwheat
* Millet
Cinnamon (C. cassia - spice isle variety) helps to control triglycerides
and blood sugar levels. Available in 500 mg capsules (Walmart, etc) -
take one to three capsules daily.
"Shawk" had some great advice.
I'm not a doctor or medical professional either, but recommend the
Dr Graveline's "Statin Alternatives"...
Also read: The Great Cholesterol Scam
And to answer your question:
"Will it (Lipitor/statins) really save/extend my life?"
NO - there is no evidence that statins prolong longevity.
In some cases statins shorten life due to complications of rhabdomyolysis.