
A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.


Postby Cathy » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:55 pm

A friend of mine was just "DXed" with possible Parkinsons. I saw him this weekend,and was shocked by his condition. I also found out he was on Lipitor. I did convince him to go off it, knowing wat it has done to me. Anyway what I was wondering how Lipitor affects those with Parkinsons or if it could be possible that Lipitor could be a contributing factor in his condition. I really need info on this so I can try and help him...I feel so bad for him...
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Reply for Cathy

Postby sos_group_owner » Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:59 pm

Hi Cathy,

Statins are a potent anti-inflammatory and for that reason it is
recommended to taper off when stopping them.
Stopping Statins:

Please have your friend take Dr Graveline's "Statins Alternatives":

Buffered Aspirin - 81 mg (contains beneficial magnesium)
CoQ10 - 100 to 150 mg (gelcaps - NOT powdered) with Vitamin E
* Folic Acid - 400-800 mcg
* B6 - 80-100mg
* B12 - 200-250mcg
(all 3 of these B Vitamins control Homocysteine)
4) Omega 3 (Fish Oil or Cod Liver Oil) - There is no upper limit

Dr Graveline's "Statin Alternatives" reduce and prevent inflammation,
are anti-oxidants, reduce platelet stickiness, control (toxic) homocysteine
and have the same anti-inflammatory affect as 20 mg's of Lipitor,
without side effects.

"Statin Alternatives" are NOT intended to reduce cholesterol levels.
Statins (as do statin alternatives) reduce the type of inflammation that
leads to heart attacks and strokes. The fact that statins also reduce
cholesterol levels is irrelevant.

Also read these articles by Dr Graveline:

Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotorphic Lateral Sclerosis, Parkinsonism and
Alzheimers Disease with Statin Drug Use... ... tatins.htm

Statin Induced Short Term Memory Loss: Treatment Aspects...

Both articles discuss the neurodegenerative aspects of statins.

Additional Notes:
CoQ10 should be gelcaps (not powdered in a capsule), contain some
vitamin E or taken with vitamin E. Vitamin E should be d-Alpha
(natural) and NOT dl-Alpha (synthetic).

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