I know that statins do interfere with liver functions after long term use. I recently discovered my Liver Enzymes are all triple digits and I have liver inflammation.
I took the advicor 200/50 for 5 days, but I also took Wellbutrin XL 300MG for 12 days does anyone know if this would cause such a large spike in my liver enzymes?
My Chiro has me on supplements and a very strict diet and I did a liver cleanse for 7 days beofe starting the new diet. He is hopeful the enzymes will come back down to normal and inflammation will stop after doing the liver cleanse, suppliments and new diet.
Does anyone know how long it will take for my liver to possibly return to normal? that is if I was not having liver issues before they out me on the WB and statins<sigh>
This terrifies me, because the stupid MD never took a blood test before putting me on all these meds....I stopped drinking 10 years ago, and before the statin and wellbutrinXL episode I was always told my liver was functioning very well...
Thanks in advance for any replies!