Vytorin/blood glucose

A message board to discuss personal experiences of Vytorin and its side effects.

Vytorin/blood glucose

Postby JoyfulPilgrim » Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:28 pm

Has anyone but me ever thought that Vytorin was raising thier blood glucose level?

I have been on Vytorin for 8 days and my blood glucose has been rising ever since the day I started. Nothing else in my program has changed but the pharmacy assures me that this is not a side effect of Vytorin.

Any comments, pro or con would be appreciated
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Postby sos_group_owner » Sat Nov 12, 2005 10:07 pm

Lipitor is know to raise blood sugar levels, so it wouldn't surprise me if Vytorin did also. Vytorin is a combination of Zocor (statin) and Zetia.

Post from the People's Pharmacy website:
"Lipitor Raises Diabetics' Blood Sugar"

One of Dr Graveline's articles about Zocor:

Page down to the 2nd message, 3rd paragraph.

"He had the shuffle, hard time getting up, from a chair.. He has not filled the prescripiton yet, as I won't do it.. He now has high blood pressure now, and is a diabetic, and metabolic problems."

I've also heard others say statins raised blood sugar levels.

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