Followup - muscle pain and erectile dysfunction from Crestor

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Followup - muscle pain and erectile dysfunction from Crestor

Postby tbach » Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:11 pm

In May, I wrote about my experience with Crestor. Over a five month period I developed severe muscle pain in one foot (still can't figure out that one) and a worsening case of erectile dysfunction. The only difference in my daily life over the five months I took Crestor was that I took Crestor. My cardiologist said that my numbers with Crestor were just too good, and sent me off with a prescription for Viagra. My regular doctor said that with my good eating habits and copious daily exercise I could afford to stop Crestor for a week or so and see what develops.

Within a few days, the pain in my foot was much better - by five weeks, the foot pain was totally gone. I did not realize how painful it was until it was no longer there. My erectile dysfunction continued, however, and although Viagra gave me the ability to retain an erection, I could not ejaculate. I started taking Pravachol again - took it for several years before change to Crestor without noticeable side effects. Foot pain did not return, but there was no change in erectile dysfunction.

My regular doctor agreed to test my testosterone levels - both total and free. My levels had tanked over the five months I was on Crestor, and each test showed lower results. He put me on Testosterone Replacement Therapy - 5mg of gel each morning. I was concerned about transfer issue since I have small grandchildren, so he switched me to Androderm patch.

After a month's treatment with Testosterone Patch, my life is back on track. I have energy to do the things I want to do, and my erectile dysfunction is all but gone.

I'm not sure why Crestor tanked my Testosterone production, but it was pretty clear that it was not going to return without some intervention.

I continue taking Pravachol, and my numbers are great . . . actually better than ever before. I have also added CoEnzymeQ10 and Zine Picolinate to my daily meds.

It is great to see light at the end of the tunnel, but I wish that our doctors would be more more willing to listen to us. During the time I had the severe foot pain, I consulted a podiatrist, an orthopedist and a physical therapist, and none of them could explain my continued and worsening pain. My cardiologist dismissed my suspicion that Crestor was to blame. He also disagreed on Crestor's involvement with my erectile dysfunction. Luckily, my internist was a better listener.
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Postby shawk » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:42 am

"It is great to see light at the end of the tunnel, but I wish that our doctors would be more more willing to listen to us. During the time I had the severe foot pain, I consulted a podiatrist, an orthopedist and a physical therapist, and none of them could explain my continued and worsening pain. My cardiologist dismissed my suspicion that Crestor was to blame. He also disagreed on Crestor's involvement with my erectile dysfunction. Luckily, my internist was a better listener."

I think more and more the medical community is self funding themselves with all these drugs...

My Father was on Lipitor for 3 years and has transient amnesia, severe muscle aches, etc, etc....

We took him off the lipitor, put him on L-carnitine and CoQ10 and in just 1 month he is "dramatically better"

During the last 3 years my Pop saw every specialist on the planet for what we now now are the side effects of the Lipitor.

you know how many doctors profited off my Pop? You probably already know, because of your own story...

It is more than fraud the pharamacons are playing with statin is human lives and they have our Doctors by the nose and brainwashed, or worse....I was reading somewhere online that some Doctors today, because the insurance companies are slow to pay them, resort to partnering with the pharamacons and receive cash and other perks form the pharamacons...One Doc even tried to justify his actions by stating, that he would go bankrupt w/o the support of the pharamacons... :shock:

We need to have regime changes in this country on healthcare, our food industry, and especially on the pharamacons...

The FDA is nothing but political....

We have to be able to control things regarding our health we are able to change, like stop smoking, get exercise, etc.....we need to seriously speak out and overhaul the strangle hold the pharamacons have on our medical providers....

It is about time the medical community stopped worrying about personal wealth and got back to taking care of public health and the first step is kicking all the pharamacons smack dab and squarely on the back side!!!!!
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Postby CatMom » Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:13 am

I haven't told my doctor that I took myself off of the stuff yet, I just haven't had any reason to go in yet and I really want to give my body time to do what it is going to do cholesterol wise. I also want to give my body time to get that poisin and it's effects out of it.

What I am finding is there are so many FAITHFUL believers that are taking the stuff that all but attack you when you try to warn them and they completely miss the point I try to make to just educate themselves on the side effects that can happen so it happens to them so they will reconize what is happening and can stop any permanent damage from happening. The drug "pushers" have done a great job at selling the public (and doctors) on their poisin... it is so sad!

tback, I am glad you are seeing light at the end of the tunnel and doing ok now. May you continue to improve where you don't need ANY other medicine to offset what the statins did to you.
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Postby Darrell » Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:55 pm

"There are 5 groups of steroid hormones that can be synthesised from cholesterol.

* progestins
* glucocortoids
* androgens
* estrogens
* mineralocortoids "

Testosterone is an androgen.

Also, note that the Crestor prescribing information includes information about testicular changes noted in rat studies.
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Postby CatMom » Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:31 am

Just the other day, I saw a ad on TV for Crestor and very faintly in the bottom left corner, briefly, there was a disclaimer that said, "Crestor is not proven to prevent heart attacks".... so they ARE catching on and covering their own BUTTS!
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Joined: Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:43 pm

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